This week's Tuesday 4 is asking about kitchens. Join me if you like.
1. They say the kitchen is the heart of the home...tell us about YOUR kitchen. What is your favorite part of your kitchen?
Our kitchen is a fairly typical suburban kitchen. It has the original 30-year-old oak cabinets, Formica countertops, and vinyl floor. It also has the original built-in microwave from 1989. The microwave still works but is very weak, so we have a countertop model that we use. The rest of the appliances are about 15+ years old. We turned our dining room into an office, so this is also where we eat.
Our 31-year-old microwave. |
That doesn't present a very warm, cozy feeling that is often associated with kitchens, does it? We are not food-centric here either with cooking or eating so that might be part of the reason.
2. If money were no object, what would be your "dream kitchen"? That's a hard one because my mind needs parameters to imagine something and money is always an object. So I'm not sure what my dream kitchen is but I can tell you what we are going to do when we redo our kitchen in the near future. (BTW, the near future is a relative term because we started the process last January and are still waiting for construction to begin. Supply chain problems and a boom in construction have been the major reasons for this.)
Unlike what you see on HGTV, we are going to keep the same basic layout and we are not adding an island. However, we are closing off one door and widening another to help the general flow. We are also taking down the cabinets over the peninsula because they totally block the view of our table. Presently when working at the counter, it is difficult to talk to anyone sitting at the table is. I am also looking forward to full extension drawers because it's difficult to see what's in the back of any of the drawers we currently have. We're getting better lights and a more durable countertop. In case you haven't noticed, we are very much driven by function. Luckily we have someone who is helping make sure that it looks decent, too. :)
I guess my dream kitchen would have a wall oven and microwave built-in, but in the space we have, that's not going to work. |
While good, these beans were not as good as Dee's. |
But being the ever practical one, I'd say that I'd like Dee to visit my kitchen. She worked for a while helping my mother after finishing her regular job as a cook. She is a wonderful cook especially with the country cooking that I grew up with. First up would be her ham salad for lunch and then chicken and dumplings for supper with beans simmering for tomorrow.
That's it for today's Tuesday 4, so until next time...