This week we continued having our mild, wintery-mix weather which meant warm days interspersed with a little snow, ice, and rain. So when I did a
Second Look around the yard, the only consistent thing was mud. This really showed up in the field behind us where the cattle tromp around.
I also continued my fascination with bird crests. I watched the male cardinal, that I've only seen with his crest down, raise it this week. He didn't put up many feathers, but I could see it all the same. Very exciting.
Here's what I saw this week.
Rhododendron bud |
Conenose bug (?) |
Silver maple buds (Wally's hand) |
Fresh hay was just delivered for the cattle behind us. |
White breasted nuthatch |
The deer have discovered me and are starting to flee. |
Deer hoof print |
Male cardinal starting to raise his crest |