I am thankful for fall flowers.
The weather has been unseasonably hot. The weather has been dry. The weather has been cool. And through it all, flowers are still blooming. And for this fall beauty, I am thankful.
Here are a few of the flowers I'm thankful for in my yard.
The ever-faithful begonias have continued their bright blooms from early summer through now. I have definitely found the right flower for along our front walk. |
And speaking of begonias, I've shown you before the begonias from last year that seeded themselves behind the bushes in the front. Now they have little blooms on them. You have to look hard to find them and I call them my secret garden. |
One even made it the backyard and sprung up in the corner of the sidewalks. |
When we first moved in, I planted these two mums to fill up a space. They were small, but have come back every year, bigger and better than before. |
And speaking of bigger and better than before, these mums have also grown every year since we've been here. They were already in the bed when we moved in but have expanded by almost two feet over the last couple of years. I have thought about moving some of them, but they are so happy in this spot, I am hesitant to do that. |
These mums also play host to a lot of insects like this bee... |
...and this cucumber beetle. I'm not sure what I should do with this beetle. Let it be, or get rid of it so our cucumbers won't be attacked by it next summer. More research needed on this. |
Near the yellow mums are yellow cosmos. I got seeds for them from a friend in August and decided to plant them even though it was late in the season. I'm glad I did because we are enjoying the bright blooms now. |
The canna lilies are starting to fade, but are still giving a nice shoot of red. |