Tuesday, October 27, 2020


These mums surprised me just like the request.
They are a new color that I don't remember planting.
The library where I work is not open to the public yet, but we are providing a contactless pickup for materials. The customers have to make an appointment to decrease the chance of too many people showing up at the same time. There is an online form they fill out to make this appointment which has a field for any special instructions. Yesterday we got a different request from the usual of asking for us to pick out a book for them. The person asked for us to include our favorite quote.

Well, of course, I drew a blank on that one. I read clever, funny, and meaningful quotes on Facebook and elsewhere everyday, but I couldn't remember any of them. There wasn't time to search for something so that meant I just went with the first things that popped into my head. This is what I wrote on their receipt.

"Everything in moderation." 

"This too shall pass."

"It's all good."

These are part of my everyday self-talk that I use to help put things into perspective. After the bag was stapled shut, I remembered one that I heard recently that I liked. 

"It's okay to visit the past and the future, but you don't want to live there." Another way of saying, "The present is the present," which is also one of my self-talk sayings.

So, do you have a favorite quote? How would you answer that question if you had essentially no time to think about it and no time to Google for it? What's the first thing you think of?