Last time I posted it was Christmas Day and then, boom, here we are almost two weeks later. How did that happen? In much the same it way it always does, I guess. I get busy, both physically and mentally, and my mind says that I don't have time to sit down and write a coherent post. Much like it is talking to me this morning. However, I've decided to ignore that little voice and write anyway. The jury's still out as to whether or not it will be coherent.
Let's see. What's been going on recently? I only wish I could remember exactly what, but here are a few things that pop into my mind.
Baby, it's cold outside.
Like the rest of the East, we've been having unseasonably cold temperatures. For this area that means, single digits with winds at 30-40 miles/hour. Throw in a couple of snowfalls and that means that you were much more likely to find me on the couch wrapped in a fuzzy blanket with a cat on my lap than enjoying the great outdoors.
Darn that weather.

And while I love my couch time with the fuzzy blanket and cats, I wish the weather had let up a little last week. Ward and I planned a couple of days away from the hustle and bustle of the holidays to do some hiking and explore the little towns on the way to where we would spend the night. The reality was that most everything was closed for the season or for the weather (see above). So while we didn't commune with nature as I had hoped, darn that weather, we did find a nice art museum and some good unstructured time to just talk.
They're dropping like flies.
It's cold and flu season again and seems like everyone around is getting sick. Most of the people I work with have had some kind of cold, flu etc., and the holiday events have had their own share of ill people attending. Nothing like being in a crowded church pew with coughing people or at a holiday party with sneezing and coughing people. However, so far, no one in this house has been sick. We're hoping that the extra Vitamin C will continue to protect us.
It tastes so good.

And while we've been able to avoid the flu so far, we've not been able to avoid those extra pounds that often show up this time of year. I guess I should speak only for myself. I haven't been able to avoid those extra pounds that show up this time of year. Christmas brings out the best bakers and candy makers and I have really enjoyed the fruits of their labors. Not to mention the special chocolates and party food that abounded. I'm glad that we're almost done with all of the goodies because my pants are starting to get a little tight.
A Fresh Start
The new year is a time for reflection and for looking forward. A fresh start, so to speak. And as soon as we get the Christmas stuff put away, I'll start thinking about that. However by popular demand, all of our Christmas decorations are still up. We agreed to take them down on the Epiphany which is today. So in case you're interested, I think you can figure out what's on the top of my To Do list for today.
Until next time...