Well, the big excitement this week was that the hanging wire on the bird feeder broke sending the feeder to the ground and spilling a lot of seed. This made the squirrels very happy. Even the deer have shown up for a snack or two.
Ward said that it's not an easy fix, so it may be some time before it is repaired. In the meantime, we've hung up another feeder that we had in the garage. I got the feeder from someone who no longer used it and I was going to sand and paint some of the rusty places it had. However, our first real snow of the season is coming on Friday and we want the birds to be able to find something to eat. So, we hung the new-to-us feeder. They seemed to be adapting to it just fine.
Here are a few things I saw this week
during a Second Look.
The squirrel found the downed feeder right away. |
He was still quite happy with the sunflower seed left when the feeder was picked up. We decided to leave the seed where it was. (You may notice some snow in the squirrels tail. We ended up with a dusting that day.) |
The deer have been by a few times for a sunflower seed snack. |
The birds seem to like the different feeder. Here a tufted titmouse and black-capped chickadee are visiting. |
Our regular downy woodpecker visitors were joined this week by a red-bellied woodpecker. |
The dark-eyed juncos like to stay a little closer to the ground. They are rarely seen on the hanging feeders. |
Flocks of crows (otherwise know as murders) visit the yard a couple times a day now. They've been doing this for about a week. |