Monday, April 8, 2013

New Beginnings and Spring Ponderings of Theodore.

Spring is here and it's time for new beginnings--both in a BIG way and in a small way. The daffodil blooms have followed the crocus blooms to signal a new beginning on the earth. This is the BIG new beginning that holds such promise this time of year.  Also, I have cleaned out the refrigerator, gone through the mail, and gotten ready for work tomorrow after being away for a while. This is the small new beginning that holds the promise of a return to a routine, "normal" life. I am really looking forward to both of these new beginnings.

Also, here of some ponderings from Theodore about Spring from his early years.

Signs of Spring

Icicles shed tears.
Trees grow green.
New plants sprout.
Old ones awaken.

Borne upon a sunlit era.
Life awakens once again
In this never ending cycle.

For it is Spring!