The last couple of weekends we have visited some places that have provided unexpected fun. We went to a model steam engine exhibit, a little church bake and rummage sale, and a small town chili tasting festival. We went to each place with a specific task in mind such as to buy a certain thing or talk to a certain person but we found extra entertainment along the way. I guess that is what happens when you take time to enjoy the moment and aren't thinking ahead to the next thing. If I do say so myself, I'm proud that I was able to do this. Being in the moment is not always my strong suit, but I'm learning.
Here are a few of the places we visited.
Last weekend Ward and I went to Cabin Fever with Theo. Theo was looking for tools for his clock making. |
We found tools galore. Old and new. Small and large. Hand and power. Theo bought several things until his money ran out. One shopkeeper took a special liking to him, so he got some really good deals. |
Unexpectedly, the expo was filled with fascinating engine models. Ward and I enjoyed looking at them and appreciated the ingenuity that went into making them. |
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Saturday morning, Miss Landers, Aunt Martha and I went to a bake and rummage sale to support a little local church. |
I didn't plan to buy anything at the sale except a brownie. However, I found all of this fabric for only two dollars. I'm going to give it a friend who is into making bags right now. Aunt Martha saw an old friend that she hadn't seen for a while, and Miss Landers found a book that she had been looking for. A good time was had by all. |
Later that day, Ward and I went to a Chili Cookoff in a nearby town. My plan was to be in and out and only talk one of the vendors there. However, we found ourselves enjoying a beautiful sunny day and sampling every kind of chili imaginable. We both found it a lot of fun and hope to go back next year. |
This little dog was waiting for dropped samples. Unfortunately for him, not much came his way. |
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I voted for the chili that this man made as my favorite. His chili was mildly sweet with just a bit of kick. |
Do you ever spend most of your time thinking about what you have to do next instead of focusing on where you are?