Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Second Look--October 29, 2014

It was 80°F today. Unexpected, but welcome weather for the end of October. The warm weather brought out plenty of bees and insects and even a butterfly or two. They were all swarming around the blooming mums in the yard. Plenty of pollen there to be had.

The leaves are close to their peak color now. However before the bit of warm weather, we had several rainy and windy days. Unfortunately, that brought down a lot of leaves, so the views aren't quite as spectacular as they might have been. But they are pretty all the same.

Here's what I saw this week 
during a Second Look.


Cucumber beetle. Unlike its ladybug look alike, this beetle can do a lot of damage to beneficial plants.

Ward saw these mating wheel bugs. He didn't stick around long enough to see if the female ate the male as she often does after mating.

I found two kinds of honeysuckle berries.


This maple tree has lost enough leaves that we can see the squirrel's nest in the top.