On the weekends, Ward and I have been trying to take early morning walks before it gets too hot and explore the local area. Recently we have hiked a nature trail and another weekend we walked the historic district of a nearby little town. This weekend, we visited Carroll Creek Linear Park in Frederick, MD. We had gone there years ago and had been meaning to go back. On Sunday, we finally made that happen.
The park was first conceived in the 1970's as flood control to protect historic downtown Frederick. All of the engineering for flood control was built underground and the above ground part was developed into a 1 1/2 long walkway.
There are many restaurants and business developed along the walkway but none of them were open during our walk-partly because it was Sunday morning and partly because of COVID-19 concerns. That also meant that the crowds were sparse and it was easy to maintain social distancing. Here are a few things we saw along the way.
This is the base of one of the bridges. The unique thing about it is that all of this "stonework" is painting on a flat surface. You have to get very close before you realize this, as it matches other real stonework in other places along the way.