Friday, December 15, 2023

An Observation

 or Another Time I am Not Up on the Latest Trend

Over the past couple of months, I have been seeing more and more women wearing false eyelashes in their everyday rounds - at the grocery store, the library, the doctor's office, etc. And it is women of all ages. These are not just little enhancements; these are very long, like they are wearing a mustache instead of eyelashes. Quite frankly, I don't know how these hairy eyelids are not affecting their vision. But maybe they learn how to tilt their head just so, so they can see like I sometimes have to do with my glasses.

For full disclosure, I have never worn false eyelashes, so I really don't know what I'm talking about, but just commenting on a trend I've been seeing (through my unadorned eyes). Have you noticed this trend where you are? Is this a social media thing that I'm not tuned into? Did someone just come out with a product that makes false eyelashes easier to put on? Just wondering...

Now, back to my wrapping.

Until next time...


  1. I snorted with laughter when I read the "wearing a mustache instead of eyelashes" comment. Yes, the false eyelashes are very popular in my area right now, too, and I think they look ridiculous. It's one of those trends that I think will have people looking back on pictures in a few years and saying, "What was I thinking???". I'm also over the overly sculpted eyebrows. In case you are wondering, yes, I wear mascara, but I prefer a natural look for most days or a polished look for when I'm more dressed up. Does that make me show my age? Probably.

    I did wear false eyelashes once. Back in the 90s, I went to a How To Host a Murder party. In case you aren't familiar with those, it's a murder mystery game that comes in a box. People are assigned a character and you are encouraged to dress like your character. I was the Far East Eye Shadow Girl (which, in retrospect, was not a culturally sensitive role, and I apologize if I have offended anyone). Anyway, I wore heavy eye makeup with false lashes, as well as Lee Press-on Nails, and as I was driving to the party, I made sure that I was carefully driving the speed limit, since I was afraid that if I got pulled over by the police, I would look like I had, ahem, an evening job. It WAS a fun party but one evening of wearing false lashes (and fake nails) was enough for me!

    There are lots of false eyelash products--some are glue-on, some are magnetic. There is a prescription medication that can make your lashes grow in fuller. There are a bazillion different styles of mascaras out there, as well, which all promise to give you crazy long eyelashes.

    Who knew there was so much to say about fake eyelashes???? Sorry for the long comment. :)

    1. I like long comments, so comment away to your heart's content. I went to a few murder mystery parties back in the day, but never had to come in costume. Some of the people I see complete the package with long, decorated nails, and some don't. The young girl I saw in the doctor's office this week, had ridiculously long lashes, but no other make up and short nails. But to each their own.

  2. I have worn fake lashes one time. One Halloween we went to a party as Kermit and miss piggy. After a few hours of those lashes and pig nose I was over ever having anything glued to my face ever again

    1. Sorry Anne in the kitchen. Out of town and my iPad does not recognize me

    2. I've never committed to a costume enough, like you and Kris, to wear false eyelashes, but I may have done it for Miss Piggy.

  3. Yes, I've noticed more women wearing false eyelashes. I haven't worn them, but, when I lost my eyelashes (and eyebrows, too), along with my hair, I used to joke about getting some false eyelashes and a wig. I did receive a wig, after some time, but, I didn't like wearing it.

    1. I'm so happy that your hair has all grown back and you do not need those treatments anymore.

  4. Hmmm, I've never worn anything like that, not even makeup. I think I would see them sticking out in front of my eyes and try to swat away a mosquito.

  5. I haven't noticed more people wearing them, but I'm not sure most of the people that I'm around ever would wear them. I've worn false eyelashes once. My mom took them me to get them a few days before my wedding. I don't think they lasted 24 hours. I know they were gone before the wedding. They just felt weird and I kept messing with them, which I'm sure is why they came off so quickly. I also don't think I could have gotten my contacts in/out with them on. I'm sure plenty of people can, but I've always been really bad at contacts, which is why I haven't worn them since my wedding.

    1. Nice gesture from your mom, but I guess they weren't meant to be. None of my friends are wearing them. In fact, I don't know anyone who wears false eyelashes that I could ask about them. But there are a lot of people out there with them on.


What do you think?