Or A Day in the Life
or I don't have anything to say, so I thought I'd blog about it. (This may be my byline now.)
Yesterday, Ward and I spent most of the day doing this and that while out and about. We didn't do anything inspiring, but I'm going to share anyway.
Our main goal of the morning was to go back to Costco and get our glasses adjusted. My new glasses are still giving me a headache and needed to be loosened. Ward's were too loose. Along the way, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts to use up coupons that were expiring for a complimentary egg wrap and coffee. I had the egg wrap for my second breakfast, and Ward had the coffee.
Costco was a success, but I managed to make a couple of impulse buys of things I found while I was walking around the store for steps. I got some yoga pants for me and a new sweatshirt for Theo. Although, maybe they weren't entirely impulse buys in that both items were needed, and prices were reasonable. I just hadn't planned on buying them at Costco that day.
Next up were the grocery stores - Aldi and Food Lion. We got only what we needed in those stores except for another impulse buy I found as I was walking around Aldi's for extra steps. We didn't need the Nutter Butters, but that's what happens when you go into the store hungry. My second breakfast was already wearing off. Have I mentioned that I'm an eat-small-amounts-all-day-long eater?
Across the street from the Food Lion was CVS, where I wanted to use some store bucks before they expired. This time I resisted the impulse to buy Doritos and instead picked up two bottles of shampoo. I felt pretty good that it was strictly business in that store.
We brought an ice chest in the car, so we decided to do some exploring before we went home. We have a list of all the parks in our little town, and we are trying to visit them. So we picked two more from the list, and off we went. But along the way, Ward mentioned a Ukrainian bakery he had recently learned about and wanted to try it. At this point, he hadn't had one breakfast yet. The first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine was coming up, so we wanted to show support to a small local business and their home country. We got a piece of carrot cake that was quite good. By this point, I wasn't actually hungry but did enjoy my few bites.
Then we finally found our first park. It was called a pocket park and was a charming little park with flower beds and a gazebo. We will make a point to go back in the spring when it should be in full bloom. After a couple of wrong turns, we found the next park. It had a playground along with ball fields. Both parks were empty, and we walked around them for a little exercise. The sun was shining, and even though there were strong winds, it was nice to be outside.
After that, it was back home to unload the groceries and have lunch. Next up was a trip to pick up some eyedrops that were being made for me. It was a long trip in traffic, so I was happy when Ward volunteered to come along. We made it home just in time for Ward to go to the gym for a class, and I set about doing dishes and laundry. I hate to admit it, but doing both of those was kind of relaxing after a day of being out and about.
So there you have it. My day out and about. Below are a couple of pictures I took.
The gazebo at the pocket park. |
We took advantage of the swings at the second park. I think that's the first time I've swung since our kids were little. However, Ward suggested that maybe I shouldn't jump out like I wanted when I was swinging high. :) |
The second park also had a large-size checkerboard. It was a Boy Scout Eagle project. |
Until next time...