Wednesday, July 13, 2022

It Happened So Fast

We have two raised bed garden areas that are small enough to keep up with but big enough to give a decent harvest. When I checked the garden yesterday, I saw a dramatic change from a couple of days before. The last time I looked, the radishes were maturing nicely. We had already harvested some, and I was waiting until we were ready to pull more. Now they were going to seed and getting woody. When I last checked on the beans, they were just starting to bloom. Now I was able to pick enough for supper. And the zucchini. Well, you know zucchini, whose main goal in life is to become the size of baseball bats. Well, several reached that status in a blink of an eye.

We roasted the radishes, which tasted good but were a bit chewy. (BTW, I've tried preparing the radish greens in different ways, but no one here likes them.) The beans are cleaned and ready to cook tonight with some leftover corn. I have frozen some of the zucchini, roasted some in the oven for supper, and made a cake with one for tonight's book club. I hope to put more in the freezer tomorrow before I go to work. Or maybe I will get up in the wee hours of the morning and leave them on the neighbors' doorsteps. Because there's a whole other crop of baseball bats forming. I know I should have been harvesting them sooner, but it all happened fast. :)

Until next time...


  1. Everything looks like it will be delicious! I never had roasted radishes before. Very interesting!! Nice to see the fruits (or veggies in this case) of your efforts with gardening :) Enjoy!


    1. I had never had roasted radishes until a couple of years ago when my son roasted them. It takes a little of the heat away and makes them sweeter. These were especially hot, so I like them better roasted.

  2. Nice! Our resident groundhog seems to be feasting and appreciating our veggies.

    1. We have fences up that keep some of the shorter creatures out, but the deer are enjoying the tomato plants. And we are starting to have problems with the your dreaded chipmunks.

  3. I don't care for radishes but I like rutabagas.

    1. Rutabagas have a milder taste than radishes and I like them better, too. I've never grown them before, but maybe I'll check into that this fall.

  4. It always amazes me how quickly zucchini/squash go from "not quite big enough" to "MASSIVE." There doesn't seem to be much of a middle ground. Have you tried making zoodles with them? That's one of my favorite things to do when we're inundated with zucchini.

    1. I just shredded some zucchini this morning to use in soups or baking, but I've never made zoodles with them because I don't have an easy way to do it. But I could put for a little effort and do enough for a meal. That's a good idea. Thanks for the suggestion.


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