Tuesday, April 19, 2022

P is for Pill bugs

Pillbugs, or roly-polies, as some people call them, are small, 11-sectioned bugs that curl up into a ball for defense. They are arthropods and are more closely related to shrimp and crabs than insects and worms. But this is recent knowledge to me. For most of my life, I thought of them as bugs. And that's what I thought when Theo took a liking to them.


When he was a toddler, Theo went through a phase where he was fascinated with pill bugs. We had an abundance of them around the edge of our patio and Theo would pick them up and promptly put them in his mouth. We did everything we could to discourage this, but he persisted. One day I saw that he had a dozen or so in his mouth, and I shouted to get them out of his mouth. And do you know what he did? He promptly swallowed them all. I guess I should have been more specific about what I wanted

However, I've recently learned that they are edible and taste like shrimp. Maybe if I had known that then, I would have cleaned them up and let Theo eat all he wanted. But then again, maybe not. We don't eat manly insects in this country, and it just seems wrong.

Have you eaten any exotic insects?


  1. What he swallowed dozens of them :-o ! Gosh!
    are they very tiny ? I will run 2 km away when I spot any kind of bug

    Dropping by from a to z "The Pensive"

    1. They are tiny, especially when they roll into a ball, which they usually do when picked up. I find bugs fascinating, so I don't usually avoid them. However, their are exceptions like termites or grubs.

  2. I've always called them sow bugs, I'm not sure why but they're very beneficial in breaking down bad things in the soil. I realized a few years ago, when doing an experiment on compositing cat poop, that they eat it like ice cream. I didn't know they are edible. Theo swallowing a bunch of them is something I can imagine a kid doing. Eating insects would sure be eco friendly, compared to say eating cows. I've always been fascinated by the prospect, but haven't ever tried it.

    1. I've read that while sow bugs and pill bugs are similar there are differences between the two. However, both like rotting organic matter, so it would make sense that they might like cat poop. Apparently, sow bugs like moist climates, so they thrive in the NW.

  3. I shuddered when I read what Theo did. Kids.

    I'm having a quiet laugh at the Latin name, which I'm translating as vulgar armadillos. :)

    1. Pill bugs have a hard shell and curl up like armadillos, thus the Latin name.

      I was none too happy when it happened. But, kids. What you gonna do?

  4. LOL with him eating them! I will remember that if ever we are without food and I see pill bugs :) My kids loved playing with them but thankfully kept them out of their mouths :) No exotic eating of bugs here myself :)


    1. I liked to play with them as a kid, but I never thought about putting them in my mouth. The funny thing was that my older son was the one who put everything in his mouth, but he never went the bug root. Thankfully.

  5. I grew up calling the roly polies (which my pre-emptive spelling tried to change to holy ponies)
    Each time I move one of the flower pots on the front porch so I can sweep, I disturb a family that has made their home there.
    I had no idea they were not bugs and will just have to take your word that they taste like shrimp!

    1. I have always called them roly-polies. Maybe I should have waited for R to do this post. :)

  6. Did Theo grow up to enjoy shrimp? It's good to know that pillbugs are edible, after all! But, I don't think I'll go looking to pick a few to add them to my meals, anytime soon! :D

    1. Good question. He can take or leave shrimp. Maybe he liked the crunch of the roly-polies. :)

  7. I did not know they were related to crab and shrimp. My kids all loved rolly polys and Im sure they ate some. They just seem like mostly shell. Ive eaten bugs that were cooked and seasoned for eating.

    1. I'm sure that there are plenty of good tasting bugs out there-especially if they are well-seasoned. However, I would not have to know that I was eating bugs to enjoy them.

  8. I didn't know they were related to shrimp and crabs. My sister and I used to catch and play them when were little, but we never tried to eat them. I don't think I could bring myself to eat a bug. I'm adventurous with food, but not that adventurous.

    1. I'm gonna have to be pretty hungry before bugs become a part of my diet.


What do you think?