My life is good. I know that. I have lived through enough stressful times in the past to fully realize when times are good. But that doesn't mean that I don't get annoyed sometimes. It's just part of being human. Can you tell, I'm working up to some complaining?
Here it goes. My email wasn't working for about a week despite the fact that all of the settings were identical to my husband's. Most of my communication happens through email, so it was a problem. One that I could awkwardly work around, but annoying all the same. I am happy to report after many hours of trouble shooting, my email is working again. However, now Ward's has stopped working. Hopefully the fix we found for mine will work for his.
And even more annoying is the bill pay feature with my bank has stopped working. Every time we try to go in, it takes us back to the sign in screen. We were on the phone with their tech support for an hour the other night before they said they would have to escalate the case because they don't know what's going on. This is a problem. Some of our bills go straight to the site. Almost all of our bills get payed through here. Bills are due and I can't get to them. We do have an ipad mini that we could use, but it's old enough that the bank software doesn't work on it any more. Anyway, I'm gonna have to start figuring out other ways to pay things. Doable, but tedious--and annoying.
And another thing that annoyed me, even though it was partly my fault. We get our cat food delivered through Chewy (prescription food, good price), and usually they put it on our front porch. Well, on Friday, two cases of it got dropped off at the end of our driveway right in the middle. So while leaving to go feed Miss Lander's cat, I ran over it. I didn't see it in the backup camera or the mirrors. Anyway, what a mess! It took about an hour to clean it all up and to see if any of the cans were still usable. I managed to salvage a few and called Chewy. They were able to file a complaint with UPS for me and sent me a new order. I offered to pay for it because it wasn't their problem, but they said no. Chewy has the best customer service in the world and I'm not complaining about that.
And finally, this is not annoying, just disturbing, even though it was totally natural. I checked one of our bird boxes last week to see if the house wren eggs had hatched. Inside, I found a rat snake eating the babies, next to a dead mother. I know that its all part of nature and all of God's creatures have to eat, but I don't want to see it up close and personal. Ward kindly volunteered to clean out the box.
Neighborhood flowers |
So as not to end with the bird image, here's some good news. The little girl who lives behind us, periodically has a flower stand where she sells flowers from her yard and her grandmother's yard. They are raising money to put a Little Free Library in the neighborhood. Ward and I bought three arrangements to support the cause. They were also giving away yellow squash. We have more zucchini that we can easily process, so we politely said no thanks.
Until next time...