Tuesday, July 13, 2021


Another Tuesday, and time to play along with the Tuesday4. Feel free to join me.

1 A movie theme song will play every time you walk in the room.. what is it? (consider asking family or friends)  I'm not a big movie goer, so my mind was pretty much blank on this question. With a little Googling, I decided I'd like Doo Wah Diddy Diddy by Manfred Mann - at least the first verse. The words speak of confidence with a little silliness. And not to mention that I like the tune. There could be worse ways to enter a room. :)

There she was just a-walkin' down the street, singin'
'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
Snappin' her fingers and shufflin' her feet, singin'
'Do wah diddy diddy dum diddy do'
She looked good (Looked good)
She looked fine (Looked fine)
She looked good, she looked fine
And I nearly lost my mind

2. What movie, book or TV program could you live in? I don't know if I could live in the book, but I would love to have a garden like the one that Mary and Colin discovered in a Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Imagining that garden coming alive, along with Colin, has always been magical to me. 

3. Is there a book/movie/TV quote you often think about or that effects you in some way? I'm sure there is, but I don't think about it often enough to come up with it now. What came to mind was the theme song to Gilligan's Island--a catchy tune with attached nostalgia. Always brings a smile to my face. I'm deep, right? :)

4. OK friend, its your turn to organize our Blogger Movie Night where we get together as a group for snacks and movies!  What movies have you planned for us tonight and what snacks are we going to have? Prepared to be scared all over again. We're going to watch Alfred Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder and have traditional snacks of popcorn, M&Ms, and Junior Mints. I'll throw in some veggies and dip for those who want something a little healthier to snack on. As for drinks simply water and soda. 


  1. It was fun to hear your selections! Can we watch The Birds after Dial M for Murder? Thanks for the veggies and dip, that's my favorite snack. I'll bring the beer if that's ok! ;)

    1. Beer would be great. My husband would be happy. Years ago I heard a friend's story and of how he and a couple of friends released some pigeons in the movie theater while The Birds was playing. They really scared a lot of people. Can't remember if he got caught or not, though.

  2. Loved your answers and really loved the comment to Martha. If I had been in a theater watching The Birds and someone had released pigeons I would have freaked out!

    1. I didn't see The Birds until a few years ago on TV. The movie didn't have much of a plot, but it was riveting and had me very scared. Alfred Hitchcock was a genius.

  3. Wow, coming up with a theme song from a movie would be hard. I would live in Narnia or Hogwarts but I also like the idea of the Secret Garden. My family loves throwing Lord of the Rings quotes around. My son's senior quote was "Fly, you fools!" which he attributed to Gandalf. Who, us, geeks?????

    I like your Tuesday 4.

    1. All of these questions were hard for me, but fun to think about. I'm not a Lord of the Rings geek, but the rest of my family are. They could communicate quite well with yours.

    2. Somehow that doesn't surprise me ....

  4. Great responses! Guess what song I'm humming now? :D

  5. I still love the very last line from Sun Also Rises (Hemingway). "Isn't it Pretty to think so." I use that all the time now. I think everyone should have their own personal theme song, too. I haven't seen Dial M for Murder for so long. I think I'll try to find it and watch it again! What's the one where the man in the wheelchair sees a murder? The HItchcock one. I just saw the remake. Not too shabby but not as good as the original.

    1. Rear Window is the one with Jimmy Stewart watching out the window, I think. That one is very good, also. I saw Dial M as a play a couple of years ago. It was well done, but not as good as the movie.

      I like the line, "Isn't it Pretty to think so." I think I'll start using it.

  6. I enjoy seeing the old movies that have been computer rejuvenated for modern 4K televisions, It's almost like seeing them again "for the first time." All the 1950s color Hitchcock movies are like this - they just look incredible in Hi-Def, after the computer enhancement. "Rear Window" is like that along with "To Catch a Thief" and "The Man Who Knew Too Much," not to mention crazy "Vertigo." Even the B&W ones these days look great. I really appreciate TCM or whoever for doing this. "The Birds" is like this, too.

    1. Much to my dismay, TCM is not included in our cable package. I'll have to look around elsewhere for some of the enhanced Hitchcock movies. The camera work in them was very good even with the old technology.


What do you think?