I read several blogs that participate in the Tuesday 4 ,so I thought I would join in this week. Here it goes.
This is the first picture I posted on my blog. It was on my second post from which came the idea for my Second Look series.
1. Tell us about your blog. When did you start blogging?My blog is a personal blog with no particular focus unless you say that I like to share more flower and nature photos than any other kinds. I started blogging April 2011. 10 Years! I'm amazed that I've been doing it that long. And while there have definitely been ebbs and flows in my posting, I don't think I've gone more than a couple of weeks without posting over the past 10 years. Once again, I'm amazed. I didn't think I had that much to say, and perhaps, if you read some of the posts, you will agree. But sometimes, when I am able to express my thoughts and feelings in a clear and meaningful way, I feel like that maybe I do have something to share.
2. What prompted you to begin blogging?
Originally, I had stories that I wanted to tell, but soon learned that they were not my stories to tell. They involved others and out of respect for their privacy, I didn't share most of them. Over time, bits and pieces of some of the stories have come out, but most of the original material I thought I might write about is still bouncing around in my head.
My third post was about my cat, Annie. |
3. What was your first blog about and why did you choose that subject/title?
My very first blog post was titled, "What's in a Name?" and discusses how I came up with the title, Live and Learn-Toss and Turn. It's too complicated to explain here, so I will rerun that first post soon.
4. How has your blog changed over time, and has it done for you what you hoped it would do in the first place?
In the beginning, I was trying to find a voice for my blog. Since I wasn't going to share the personal stories I had planned, I tried different things. I did cooking and recipe posts. I participated in food waste groups. I did my own set of inspirational sayings and photos. I documented some of our visits to various places both local and far away. I collected stories of others first memories of school.
But I really hit my stride when I started doing my Second Look posts. Every Wednesday, I would explore my yard and look for details that I might otherwise not notice. We inherited an overgrown large yard that was hard to control and it wasn't until I started doing the Second Looks, that I truly appreciated it for it's beauty instead of the work it needed. I also learned a lot about nature as I researched a bug, bone, or plant I would find.
Looking for the positive in my yard spilled over into other parts of my life and in general made me a happier person. Four years ago, we moved into a new house with a smaller, better contained yard and the Second Look posts didn't inspire me in the same way as they did before. Eventually, I dropped them as a regular feature. I miss them and would like to find another focus to replace them. Someday...
My blog didn't turn out how I imagined, but it did something that I had never imagined that it could. It gave me a whole new set of friends that I would have never had the chance to know without it. Because of that, my little blog has exceeded all expectations and for that I am very thankful.
Congrats on 10 years of blogging! I loved reading about your blogging journey and will be looking forward to a rerun of your first post. That photo of your kitty Annie sure is an amazing capture! I'm so happy to have met you here in the land of blogs. :)
ReplyDeleteJust got lucky with the picture of Annie as she was jumping onto our bed from the window. I have happy to have you also, Martha. I'm learning a lot about FL from you blog.
DeleteYES! I feel very blessed to have met such a great group of people in the blogging world. Congrats on 10 years! yay!!! Loved your answers! Have a nice week.
I think the connection with people is why I keep blogging. With so many people at odds today (or as the media would have us believe), I appreciate my blog friends even more.
DeleteI enjoyed reading this and learning more about your blog, June. I have enjoyed reading your blog posts and am glad you have continued to blog; hope you will continue to do so in the foreseeable future, too!
ReplyDeleteAs you well know, Bless, every time I think about quitting, I don't. So I think I'll be checking in here for the foreseeable future. But you probably won't hear from me as often as we hear from you. You are a very disciplined blogger.
Delete10 years! That's amazing! I hope you re-run your post about the title of the blog. I think I read it a long time ago but I don't remember what I read.
ReplyDeleteI, too, have greatly enjoyed the friendships that have popped up from reading your blog.
I didn't remember what my first post was about, either, until I looked it up. Nothing earth shattering, but interesting to see where my thoughts were when I began this whole thing.
DeleteI didn't realize its been that long you've been blogging. I met you, in blogger world, on an A to Z adventure one year I think.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that I've been blogging that long either. No wonder sometimes I feel like I don't have anything to say. I think we met when I did my first A-Z. You were about cats and that interested me. Little did I know that your blog was about much more than cats. It's more of a study about people
DeleteWow, your kitty looks very adventurous! Ha! Do you still have her? Like you, I made the decision early on not to over-share my child's (and others) stories on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI occasionally share stories about my family, but I always get permission before I do. My kids are adults now, and sometimes I tell stories about them when they were younger, but once again with permission. Not many people read my blog, so they're usually okay with it.
DeleteWe still have Annie and her litter mate, Leo. They are almost 18 years old, fussy, demanding cats that we still thoroughly enjoy.
Welcome to Tuesday 4! I have always enjoyed your blog and I kind of miss A Second Look. One of the things I like most is being able to "meet" even at a distance people I would never have known at all if not for a blog!
ReplyDeleteI have thought about different ways to do a Second Look again, but haven't come up with anything that would work for me. Besides making me focus on the positive, I really enjoyed researching what I had found. I did a lot of Googling, went to nature centers, consulted books, etc.
DeleteCongratulations on your 10+ years, June. Glad I found you.