Saturday, April 24, 2021

U is for Unfrosted Pop Tarts

 When thinking about what to write about for the letter U, the only thing that came to mind was ugli fruit. That was something I might actually be able to find at the grocery store, but I wasn't sure I had time to go. So I did a little googling to see what else I could come up with. In a Quora forum, I found this list from N.M. to the question, "What is a fruit or vegetable that starts with the letter U?"

1. Unfrosted Pop-Tarts

2. Ultimate Brownies

3. Utah Scones

4. Umpqua Oats

5. Upside-down cakes

I'm not sure if N.M. understood the question the same way I did, but who am I to judge? Let's go down the list and see what we can figure out.

1. There are three kinds of unfrosted Pop-Tarts: strawberry, blueberry, and brown sugar cinnamon. Well, two of these contain fruit, even if it's in a small amount, so I guess that Unfrosted Pop-Tarts could count for the question. Now I want a Pop-Tart. I haven't had one in a long time and the unfrosted ones are my favorites.

2. I think brownies are stretch, but I guess they could be made with applesauce or pumpkin to replace some of the fat or with cherries. So I generously give N. M. this one. Now I want brownies, too.

3. I didn't know what a Utah scone was, so I had to educate myself. They are deep fried dough served with honey, butter, and powdered sugar. Sounds like a doughnut or beignet to me and could be served with jam or jelly or maybe some strawberries on the side, I guess. The jury is still out as to whether this one fits the criteria for a fruit or vegetable beginning with U, but now I have a sudden urge to go to Utah.

4. I didn't know what Umpqua oats were, either. Umpqua is a brand name for oats sold either in cups or packets. Many of the flavors contain fruit, so I'm going to let N.M. have this one. I wonder if Umpqua oats are better than Quaker. Now, I want to do a taste test.

5. Upside down cake: This one is definitely a winner. Upside down cake can be made with many different kinds of fruit with pineapple being my favorite. However, the last time I made a pineapple, upside down cake, I forgot the salt and it wasn't very good. Who knew that leaving the salt out could make such a difference, but it did. N.M. has gotten me thinking. I need to bake another pineapple upside down cake to make up for the last one I made.  

It's a good thing that N.M.'s list wasn't longer. Who knows what else I'd be craving?


  1. My husband just asked me yesterday if I'd get the stuff to make him a pineapple upside-down cake the next time I go to the store - and recently my store had pop tarts BOGO. I hadn't had one in many years but the new flavors sounded so good that I had to grab some - the pretzel cinnamon sugar one is amazing. Now I want one too!

    1. Pretzel cinnamon sugar does sound good. I haven't had a Poptart in years, but I'm not sure I can pass up that isle next time I'm at the store.

  2. I have not had a pop tart is decades, but never liked the frosted ones at all. Now I want a stupid pop tart!
    Pineapple upside down cake sounds fabulous! I think I could make one in the air fryer!

    1. I never liked the frosted ones, either, but I have managed to eat a few in my day.

      I am interested in an air fryer, but hesitate to get one because of the space it will take up. There's only so much room for little appliances. Do you use your air fryer a lot?

  3. Hmmm. Interesting. ;) I like how you are able to (however loosely) relate this back to fruit and veggies.

    I made a cake with crushed pineapple this week. We needed (ok, "need" might be an exaggeration) a dessert and this recipe is simple. There is no fat in the cake, unless you count the nuts.

    My kids got pop-tarts from a friend of mine for Christmas. She sent several boxes and there is one left. I never really have cravings for them but I happily ate a brownie that a coworker brought in today. Not sure it had any pureed fruit in it, though.

    1. Currently, I'm trying to cut back on sugar, but I'm interested in your cake recipe. Do you have a link to it?

    2. No link-it was given to me long before the age of internet.

      Pineapple cake:
      2 eggs
      2 cups flour
      2 cups sugar (I used 1 1/2 and it was sweet enough for me)
      2 teaspoons baking soda
      1 can of crushed pineapple, juice included
      1 cup chopped nuts.

      Beat all ingredients together and pour into 9x13 (greased) pan. Bake 40 minutes at 350*.

      I threw in a little cinnamon and salt, as well. I'm happy without frosting but my kids like it so I compromised and added a cream cheese glaze to the top. Easy peasy.

  4. I'd be perfectly happy with calling any brownie or cake as a vegetable! :D

  5. Yes, I had to resort to the dictionary for inspiration for the letter U. I had never heard of unfrosted pop tarts, but I do like the sound of them and would love to try the, Yummy!

    1. I wonder if they sell them there. I like to toast the unfrosted ones and spread a little butter on top. Not a health food, but tasty.

  6. U seems to have been a challenge all round. A few of us headed for Upside Down cakes or puddings.I’ve read about pop tarts but hadn’t seen the, before.

  7. We used to get pop tarts Sunday mornings if we had company. Probably the unfrosted variety, as they taste the best anyhow. I want to make an upside down cake now.

    1. We only had Poptarts every once in a while for a special treat. When they first came out, I don't think they had frosting. I think they should have left them that way.


What do you think?