Monday, April 26, 2021

V is for Vegetable Soup

Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, peas

Your mother says you have to eat a lot of these

Mararoni, ... ?... You put into a soup

Pour it in a bowl and call it Campbells soup.

Does anyone remember this jump rope jingle from a Campbell soup ad?  My memory is a bit fuzzy on the exact words, but I do know that it was about vegetable soup. And speaking of soup, it was a cold and rainy day yesterday--perfect for soup.  I didn't have any Campbell's, so I made my own.

I used what I could find in the fridge and pantry. 

This was lunch and dinner yesterday. I thought there was enough for freezing, but there was only enough left for someone's lunch today. 


  1. The jingle I remember is "mm mm good mm mm good, That's what Campbell's soups are, mm mm good".

    Rainy and snowy days are great for soups, aren't they? I also find that there aren't as many leftovers as I anticipate when I make soup. That's the sign of a tasty meal.

    1. "Mm mm good" has been around since the 1930's. I think this jump rope rhyme was sometime in the 70's, but I don't really know. I did a bit a research to find the rest of the words, but I gave up after a while. Google has trained me to expect instant hits. :)

  2. Vegetable soup has always been a mainstay here (usually for lunch)

    1. I like soups in general, but I think vegetable is my favorite.

  3. I don't remember the jingle for vegetable soup, but your soup sure looks good and much better than Campbell's for sure!

    1. It was better than Campbell's except for the fact that is wasn't as salty. There's a disagreement in my family as to whether that is a good thing or not.

  4. Your vegetable soup looks great! I will be making some soup later this week when my daughter has her wisdom teeth extracted! I anticipate having to blend them for her, but, homemade soup is always good, isn't it?

    1. The blended soup will be easy on your daughter's mouth and nutritious, too. I'm sure she will appreciate it.

  5. It’s good to have a dish enjoyed but kind of frustrating to have less left than you hoped.

    1. Living in household with all males, I've come to expect not many leftovers. That was especially true when my sons were teenagers.


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