Sunday, February 7, 2021


View in my backyard this morning.

It's snowing again here today. This time is with big, heavy flakes that stick immediately to everything. This got me thinking about a poem Theo wrote when he was little. So for my pleasure, here's another post from the files.


The Joys of Winter
by Theodore

Snowflakes falling onto the ground,
Into your yard without a sound.
When you wake up, they will
Cover the ground to your window sill.

Break out the shovels, winter has come.
Clouds have just blocked out the sun.
Backbreaking labor, isn't this fun?
It's snowing again before you're done.

Scrape the ice off your car
Then start cursing when it won't go far.
Lose your key and get locked outside,
Winter time, it's so divine.

Theo's thoughts on winter when he was nine.


  1. Pretty accurate observation of Theo's. We are also getting lots of snow now. I enjoy the snow but it's 10* out which is pretty darn chilly!

    1. Our frigid temperatures are coming tonight which is why we're trying to get the walkways and driveway clear before they all become a big sheet of ice. But it is all very pretty.

  2. It looks like a winter wonderland! So beautiful to look at (but, not so fun if you have to be outside, shoveling the snow or driving in it, etc.). That is a great poem that Theo wrote! :)

    1. I showed Theo the poem and asked if he remembered it. He did, but didn't think he was doing much shoveling then so it was largely imagined.

  3. Snow is beautiful until you have to go out in it. But your photo is picturesque.

    1. So true. However, the kids in the neighborhood were having a lot of fun in the snow yesterday. I need to be more like them sometimes.

    2. Have you tried snowshoeing? Looks like you live in a good area for doing that. I'm completely uncoordinated and I can do it, so anyone can! ;)

    3. I have not tried snowshoeing. Our snow doesn't stick around long enough that people do that around here. However, I remember that my niece had snowshoeing as one of her PE activities in Maine. That seemed very exotic to me.

      Presently, I'm in the it's-too-cold-outside mood and I try to get steps in around the house.


What do you think?