Thursday, February 11, 2021


Yet another picture of our snowy backyard.
The first thing I do each morning  is to look out the window. I am usually rewarded with a show of either stars or a colorful sunrise. This morning, I got a surprise - fresh snow. We have snow and wintery mix in the forecast for several days but last night was only supposed to be flurries. I was immediately like a kid in school again hoping for a snow day. It doesn't take much snow to shut things down here, so my hopes were high. I quickly called the weatherline for work to see the status of things. What a disappointment. Everything for my county was Code Green--meaning all systems were a go on a regular schedule. But here's the problem. We have four inches and it's still snowing at my house, but in the part of the county where they make the decisions, they only had 1/2 inch. It has been a long time problem because the county has different weather zones. But it is what it is. I will have to get ready for work soon. 

Our kitchen still has the 600 watt,
1989 microwave. This will change.
Otherwise, I've been busy with things I don't think you'd be too interested in (colonoscopies, allergies, and various other assorted things that have me going from appointment to appointment.) What's more exciting is that we are going to redo the kitchen. We have talked about it since we moved in, but the kitchen remodel has finally made it to the top of the list. So far, the only formal thing we have done is to find a kitchen designer but my mind has been very busy with various details. I have been thinking about how we will rearrange things so that we can continue with our daily lives for the months the construction will be going on. I think it's doable, but will take some effort. And all of the decisions to be made about materials, appliances, layout, etc. Much of this seems overwhelming, so I did something I know how to do. I went through all of the kitchen cabinets and drawers and got rid of anything we weren't using. Now we can understand exactly what we need to store.

Well, times up here. Gotta go.

Until next time...


  1. Oh, lovely! More snow to shovel! :D Hope you have a safe drive to work and back!

    The kitchen remodel sounds very exciting! I did mine almost 24 years ago! I upgraded to a 700W microwave, which is what I still have! :D There is always something one wishes one had done differently, of course! For me, it is the cabinet shelving - I wish I had put in slide out shelves/drawers in the lower cabinets. There are slide out shelving kits available, so, that might be something I'll ask someone to install for me, some day.

    1. Retrofitting slide out shelves is a pretty easy job. Does M do that kind of work?

      The roads were pretty good to and from work. However, black ice is forming as the sun goes down and it is very dangerous. We were going to do some errands tonight, but we thought better of it.

  2. Sorry you had to go to work. We got storms last night that lasted this morning. I'm sure the roads were flooded. Thankfully we didn't have to go anywhere.

    The next week it is suppose to get into the 20's. That's very unusual for this southern state. GRRR. Can't wait to see your remodeling :)

    1. I remember when I lived in New Orleans, some winters it never got below freezing, but 20's is cold no matter where you live.

  3. Your snow is gorgeous!
    I want to retrofit our base cabinets with slides. My left knee does not always cooperate with me and it would make life so much easier!

    1. We plan to be getting more lower drawers because our knees aren't getting any younger. I am particularly looking forward to putting the pots into a drawer. Right now they are on a lower shelf.

  4. We were suppoed to get snow here, for once, but then the forecast changed. So many of us were hoping for snow. I think Portland may get some but we will likely only get an ice storm, if that. Your snow looks so beautiful. Sorry you have to go to work.

    1. The snow is beautiful. On my route to work, there is a part lined with forest on either side of the road and the snow on them yesterday was so pretty. It's the same area in the fall that has a spectacular show of color. However, there is no place to get off the road, so there is no opportunity to get a picture.

  5. I know that excitement of a possible snow day. I'm sorry it didn't work out in your favor this time.
    A new kitchen -- how exciting! I'm sure that will be fun to plan for.

    1. I'm definitely excited about the possibilities of having better storage options. An update will be nice also, but better function is our main focus. I'm still overwhelmed by how many decisions we will have to make, but one day at a time.

  6. That picture is both beautiful and horrifying

    1. Let's go with beautiful, but it would be horrifying if you lived here and had to your job which involves a lot of driving.

    2. Haha which is probably why I said that.


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