Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Birds in Snow

The snow started Sunday night and it is still snowing this morning. Even with all of the precipitation we've had, it's not that deep because it has been intermixed with freezing rain and sleet. However, because of that, it is very hard to shovel. The end broke off one of our shovels, so we have to take turns with our other one.  The goal of the morning is to get enough of the driveway clear so I can get to work this afternoon. We haven't been out, but I assume the roads won't be too bad by then. However, I worry  about black ice on my way home when it will be dark and colder. We shall see.

In the meantime, here are some pictures from my files of birds in snow, just because.

Cardinal, house finch, gold finches, juncos

Dark-eyed junco

Female cardinal and dark-eyed junco.

White-throated sparrow

Mourning dove

Carolina wren

Male cardinal

Northern flicker

Female downy woodpecker

Red-bellied woodpecker

Male downy woodpecker

Blue jay

Tufted titmouse

House finches


I guess I can't put it off any longer. Time to go shovel snow.

Until next time...


  1. Those birds look happy to have a steady food supply in the bad weather! Be careful with your commute as well as walking on the pavement.

    1. Right now, we don't have enough snow shoveled that I can get out to work. Theo and I have been taking turns with the shovel while Ward is working. This is a heavy, wet snow that I am having a hard time lifting. I just found out that my neighbor sold her snow blower. I wish I had known because I would have bought it. Oh, well.

  2. Lovely bird photos.
    Wishing you safe travels on the road this evening. I echo Kris's thought about walking on the pavement. I've got an in-person friend who fell on ice a month ago and is still recovering.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts of safety, Kris and Lili. Here's hoping that they got the parking lot adequately cleared. I think it will be fine.

  3. Thank you for sharing the bird photos! You are good at identifying them!

    I hope you are able to get your car out and have a safe commute to work and back! Hope, too, that you can get another shovel, soon! Or a snow blower!

    1. It took me a long time to learn to identify the common birds at our feeders. Sometimes, I would have to relearn them when they returned from their migrations, but I have always had Aunt Martha, a bird expert to help me.

      I made it to work and back home, safely, yesterday, although the parking lot was icing up when I left work at 8 pm. More shoveling on the schedule for today. :)


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