Sunday, January 31, 2021

Thankful Sunday, January 31, 2021

 I am thankful for snow.

We are at home watching it snow. This morning it began snowing for what is supposed to be a continuous two day storm. There's a certain calmness to watching snow fall and for that I am thankful. 

The rest of the story:

I'm not sure that Theo would agree with me at this point because he had to go on snowy roads this morning to go to work and will have to do the same tomorrow. Amidst the snow, freezing rain is forecast which will make everything just that much more dangerous. I'm guessing I will be given the option of teleworking tomorrow, but we shall see. Ward works from home very day.  I understand how lucky we are to be in a warm house puttering around watching it snow outside our window.


  1. I'm glad you are able to watch the snow falling from inside a warm and cozy home; it's the best place to be when it is storming outside, I think. I hope that everyone has a safe and warm place in which to shelter from the cold and everyone, such as Theo, who has to venture out in it for work and so forth, is able to do so safely.

    1. Theo made it to and from work safely. However, he did fall on a walk between two buildings. No real problem except some bruises. I remember I went to a college that covered a lot of hills. During the winter, you would always see people with broken bones from slipping. Back in those days, class was never canceled.

  2. I really like snow but dislike any form of ice. Sorry to hear about Theo falling--one of my coworkers fell recently and ended up with a concussion because she hit her head (and she's young and fit) which illustrates why I don't like ice--it's so easy for people to get hurt even when they are trying to be safe, whether when walking or driving.

    Anyway .... watching snow fall and the landscape change is so nice when you can do it from your cozy home, preferably with a cat on your lap, a good book, and a cup of tea.

    1. Being inside is very nice when it's snowing especially if you don't have anywhere to go. I did have a cat on my lap today more than once. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Freezing rain makes everything slicker, harder to clear, and brings down more branches. Yep, freezing rain is the worst.


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