This morning, I wrote down things I'm thankful for as they popped into my head. There was no editing and there is no significance to order or importance. Just some things I'm thankful for at this minute.
I am thankful for ...
A quiet morning alone.
Ward is on a backpacking trip this weekend and Theo is at work so I have the house to myself to enjoy a quiet morning (except for the cats that are howling to be fed). I enjoy having others around, but some time all by myself is nice. So for a quiet morning alone, I am thankful.
I am thankful the pansies from last fall are still blooming. |
Modern medicine.
I am very lucky to have good health but I do have a couple of things that are bothering me. There was some confusion with the timing of my allergy shots and I'm itching a lot these days, but things will get back on track soon. And even with this bout of itching, it's all much better than before I started the shots. Also, my
trigeminal neuralgia is flaring up again. I have medicine that helps with the pain, and even though it makes me sleepy, it makes things bearable. Both of these conditions can be debilitating, but with current medical practices, they can be managed. So for modern medicine, I am thankful.
A Washing machine.
I have a clothes washer that works so I don't have to wash my clothes by hand or go to a laundromat. Hurray! So for the convenience of a washing machine, I am thankful.
I am thankful the cherries are ripe. |
A Loving family, both close and far away. My family is normal. It isn't perfect and we don't always agree, but when push comes to shove, we are always there for each other. So for a loving, supportive family, I am thankful.
Leftovers in the fridge.
Friday night, I cooked enough food that I have been eating it all weekend. Cooking is not my thing, so for a fridge full of food, I am thankful.
I am thankful for the color this poppy gives to the mass of ground cover it's in. Even from inside, we can see the bright red and it makes me smile. |
Snuggly Cats.
We have two cats and both like to be with us. Laps and shoulders are their places to relax, purr, and sleep. When I'm tired or stressed, there is nothing like a cat on my lap to relax me. So for snuggly cats, I am thankful.
Friendly neighbors.
We are very lucky, to have friendly neighbors. You don't get to pick your neighbors and they aren't always friendly, but ours are. Some examples. Ward and a neighbor recently worked on a broken fence together. Also, when my next door neighbor's husband died, neighbors were there to help her figure out how to move forward. Walkers stop and chat and the whole neighborhood has events such a Halloween cookout every year. So for my friendly neighbors, I am thankful.
I am thankful the previous owners planted these coral bells that return year after year. |
My Library.
Not only is my library my place of employment, it is where we get much of our entertainment. And for free! So for my library and the many things it provides for us, I am thankful.
A Clear Morning.
Rain may be coming this afternoon, but right now, it is a beautiful morning without a cloud in sight. After I finish here, I plan to go out and enjoy it while working in the yard. So for a clear morning without rain, I am thankful.
I am thankful for the birds that visit our feeders. |
So for these blessing and the many more that I have, I am thankful.