Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Today, I'm going to remember that
 "From a little acorn, the mighty oak grows." 

Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed with big projects I find them hard to start. I need to remember that doing just a little bit will get things going and soon good progress will be made. I'm getting better with this, but I still need a reminder now and then. This little oak tree I found while weeding was just the reminder I needed.


  1. Replies
    1. I recently realized that I find little oak trees in the same place every year. We don't have an oak tree in our yard, but it must be a favorite place for burying acorns by the squirrels.

  2. I love finding new trees like that. You are right .... one step at a time gets the job done.

    1. As you know, I do, too.
      Sometimes, that first step is hard to take, but I'm much better at taking it than when I was younger. I am trying to pass on to my boys, who have my tendencies, the fact that you can start something even if you don't have it all figured out

  3. I find that, very often, getting started is the hardest part! I have to coax myself: "Just do one small piece; just 5 minutes". Once I start, it doesn't seem that difficult. Loved seeing the photo of the acorn still attached to the seedling. :)

    1. I often use a timer for getting started. I set it usually for 10 minutes and tell myself that's all I have to do. And sometimes, that's all it takes.

  4. Replies
    1. I like the long white root. I usually don't get that when I pull the tree seedlings.


What do you think?