Sunday, June 30, 2019

Thankful Sunday, June 30, 2019

I am thankful for birds.

Catbirds are one of the birds that visit the feeders and fly around the yard.

Years ago, Ward said he wanted to get a bird feeder, so I set one up for his birthday. Little did I know how much enjoyment I would get from watching the birds around it. While we're still trying to figure out the best way to set feeders up around our new house, I am enjoying the birds that visit. And for that, I am thankful.


  1. Bird watching can be a lot of fun! I put out seeds for the birds, at times, but I have to be careful because of the garden cats - I'd hate to entice the birds only to have them fall prey to the cats! However, there are some very brave mockingbirds in my yard that don't seem to mind the cats. I love listening to all their songs.

    1. Another reason we have the feeders is so that our cats can watch the birds from inside. They have always been indoor cats and they don't seem to mind that they can't hunt them. I think I would be cautious like you if I had a lot of outdoor cats around.

  2. You often have beautiful pictures of birds on your blog.

    We went camping for a few days last week--there are loons where we camped, and I greatly enjoyed listening to the loon calls. We took our boat, and while we were out on the lake, we were able to watch a loon catch a fish and eat it (it was a BIG fish!). So fun.

    1. I don't live near water, so seeing loons would be a treat. Seeing one catch a fish and eat it must have been amazing to watch.

  3. I love bird watching both from the house and the lake place. Here I get to keep tabs on the nursery under my porch. This year we have had a dove, purple finch, and a wren nesting there. Additionally a cardinal, mockingbird and thrush nested in the back yard. I had a ball watching the fledglings learn to fly, but the best was watching a hawk give hunting lessons to its offspring, I have not seen its nest but it has to be pretty close to me. At the lake I get to watch great blue herons, osprey and egrets among other birds. They are all fascinating

    1. What a great aviary you have. We had a bigger variety of birds at our other house, but I still enjoy the ones here. I'm afraid to ask. What were the hawks hunting?


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