Sunday, January 20, 2019

Thankful Sunday, January 20, 2019

I am thankful 
for laborers.

This week we had work done in our basement to fix some water problems. This involved jackhammering up the slab and installing pipe under it. There were three workers here and at times there were three jackhammers operating. The noise was deafening and headache producing even after just a short while. But they kept on with the job. After the concrete was broken up, they had to carry it in buckets up the basement steps and outside to be disposed of. Both of these jobs were hard to do and something that I literally couldn't have done. But without them, we would not have been able to fix our problem.

So for the laborers who are physically capable and willing to do this kind of very hard work, I am thankful.


  1. I, too, am thankful that there are people who are physically capable of and willing to engage in such hard work! Without their skills and muscle, we wouldn't get half the necessary work done, in building and renovating our homes, trimming our trees, digging our gardens, etc. I'm glad the repairs are being done; hopefully, you won't have water issues in the basement, again.

    1. You used another important word--skills. Not only are they doing hard physical labor, they know and have a certain set of skills that most other people don't. I certainly wouldn't have been able to design the drainage system that was put in.

  2. So true! In the past year we've had electrical work done, plumbing, a blockage to the septic tank cleared, and a tree removed. Oh yeah, and the guy from Comcast had to repair outdoor wiring that the squirrels had chewed through. The workers have responded efficiently and done their jobs well. I'm not sure they are always given the level of respect that they should have, so I am glad to see your post about them!

    1. Somewhere along the way, educated people and jobs, i.e. you had to go to college and work behind a desk, became the main ones that got respect. I hope that is changing and all work will be valued and respected by society. We could have a very long discussion about that, but that is another post for another day.

    2. I agree, that would be a great topic!

  3. You are so right to be thankful. I try to remember to be thankful for anything anyone does for me that I can't do myself.

    1. If we all could remember to be thankful for anything anyone does for us that we can't do for ourselves, I think everyone would be a lot happier. It's not a very good place to be when we think we are entitled to something.

  4. That sounds brutal on the body. I am happy also there are people who can do these jobs.

    1. One of the guys was very big and muscular. He looked like he could handle that kind of work easily. The other two were of average to small size. I'm not sure how they kept up, but they did.


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