Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A Second Look--July 30, 2014

Here is what I saw this week during a Second Look.

The majority of the day lilies are done blooming, but some are still providing nice color.

The ever-faithful balloon flower (platycodon).

The hummingbirds sometime perch on the suet cage now instead of hovering all of the time around the feeder. Look how long the beak is on this one.


This dove was right outside the cats' favorite window causing them to be quite excited.

Since last week, the last two wren eggs hatched and the chicks are starting to grow feathers.

The butterflies are starting to increase in numbers. Notice the long proboscis on the skipper butterflies on this coneflower.

From L-R: Top Row--Blackeyed Susan, Celosia, Gay Feather,  Bottom Row: Cone Flowers, Little White flowers that I don't know the name of, Coreopsis


  1. We had coreopsis when we first moved here but they seem to have died out. Pretty flower.

    Your baby birds are looking cuter. :)

    1. This bed was the first place I tried coreopsis and it did so well, I planted it other places. None of those made it and I was very disappointed. It's supposed to be very easy to grow, but I guess that's only if it is in the right place. :(


What do you think?