Thursday, June 27, 2013

It's been two years since I started to blog and most of you (all of you) were not with me in the beginning, so I am revisiting a few posts about getting started. Today's is about when I was trying to figure out how long my posts should be.


Long and the Short of It

How long should my posts be? I've been pondering this since I decided to try my hand at blogging. I'll have to admit that I am behind the technology curve that has the trend of shortening everything. I don't regularly text. I tried to open a Twitter account, but kept having problems with my password. I usually use complete words in emails. In other words, it's easy to tell that I'm over thirty. I remember when I was in college, I was introduced to the book,  "CDB" by William Steig. I thought it was very clever. The entire book was just line-drawings and letters that sounded out words.( “CDB=See the bee.”) Who knew years later, that this style of writing would be commonplace.

I looked around a little* and found that different kinds of blogs, on average, have different lengths. Gossip blogs are usually the shortest (~100 words) and reference blogs are the longest (~1500 words.) Most blog entries are 100-500 words. Also, the average person spends about 1 ½ minutes reading a blog post. As an experiment, I asked Ward, Wally, and Theodore to read a well-written long blog post (not mine) for 1 ½ minutes and see how far they got. Theodore read 500 words, Ward read 371 words, and I read 411 words during our 90 second experiments. Wally said he was busy with an online meeting. It seems, from this totally nonscientific project, that bloggers have figured out how long they have an audience and write a length to match this.

What does this mean? I'm not sure except Theodore says that writing about your blog in a blog is odd. That's the short of it.


  1. Congratulations for being around with your blog for 2 years.
    Interesting info about blogs, length and how long people are willing to read. I haven't really given any of that much thought. My kids just want as much of what I know to be someplace, so they can reference it someday. But perhaps even they have short attention spans and I should consider shortening my posts.

  2. It's great that you're documenting all of your knowledge for your kids because you have a lot of it.

  3. Ha! We too spent a fair amount of time this weekend running around outside and then retreating abruptly, admitting we'd been defeated by the heat. Then, doing the exact same thing again. :-)


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