Saturday, February 8, 2025


Bless at  My Two Cents said she is picking Thrive for her word of the year. I don't usually pick a word for the year, but I think this year I will. I am choosing Purposeful. Since I am entering a new phase of my life with retirement, I want to be purposeful with how I choose my priorities and spend my time. Do you choose a word of the year?

Below are a few more odds and ends from retirement news.

You may remember that I recently talked about a green dinosaur from the library that was donated over 30 years ago. Recently, it found its way back home, and now, a new generation is playing with it. 

These were roses I got at the end of the last storytime.

A silly parting gift I gave to my co-workers. They are all moving to other libraries for the next two years while our library is renovated.

I am about done sorting and putting away everything I brought home from work.  I saved a few stuffed animals I used in storytime, but these are no longer needed.

Another parting gift from a storytime family.
We shed a few tears and hugs as we said goodbye.

And in non-retirement news, on the way home after a visit with my FIL, Ward, Wally, and I took a walk in a park where Wally used to work in the summers. He was interested to see the improvements they had made.

Ward was interested in the equipment they were using in the park,
especially since his day at the Big Metal Playground.

Until next time...


  1. Sounds like you will be missed by patrons and coworkers. You impacted many lives over the years.

    I'm glad that the dinosaur was found!

    1. I think we all impact others in positive ways - sometimes in a big way and sometimes in a little way, but all are important. The dinosaur story is a good one. As one of co-workers said, "It makes her heart sing."

  2. Purposeful is a great word to have as your word of the year.

    I love the parting gift you chose for your former co-workers. You will definitely be missed, but, I know you will enjoy being retired. :)

    1. I will miss things, but the group is breaking up and the building is closing for two years, so what we had will just be fond memories for everyone. (And in full disclosure, no job is good all the time. There are a few non-fond memories to be left behind, too.)

  3. An end of an era. Bittersweet for sure. I am sure that there will be an adjustment phase for you over the next couple of months. Purposeful is a great word, I cannot wait to see how you bring it to action!

  4. Very well done, you! Your parting gifts are just beautiful! And your gift to the coworkers was very clever! 😁 So sweet to see the dinosaur 🦕 go to its home. The kids look like they are enjoying it. Hope you enjoy retirement as you navigate how to fill your days.

    1. I had a few cups of Lucky Charms left that I tried for the first time in a long time. Boy, are they sweet, but I enjoyed them all the same.

  5. Purposeful seems like a great word for the year. I didn't choose a word for the year. I'm just hoping that 2025 will be an easy/boring year.

    Those roses are beautiful!

    1. You definitely are do for a boring year. Here's to an uneventful 2025 for you.

  6. What sweet parting gifts. I know you were probably quite attached to your storyline crowd. I know I was, when I moved into administration. I missed those kids so much! And my teen volunteers too.

    1. I am missing the interactions with the public, too. It was my goal for them to have a pleasant and helpful experience at the library, and I enjoyed doing that.


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