Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year!

"Again, time elapsed."
 Carolyn KeeneThe Secret of the Old Clock

The new year is a time to consider new beginnings. It brings with it endless possibilities and hope. As the busyness of my morning has faded into quiet alone time, I have been pondering my life. My life is good. I have no major health complaints. I have sufficient funds for a warm house, abundant food, and occasional extras. I have a loving and supportive husband and kids. I have good extended family and friends. (Not the least of which are you, my blog friends.) For everything that is important in life, I have all of the boxes checked. 

However, I have lived long enough to know that life isn't always like this. Mine certainly hasn't been. And because of this, sometimes I am waiting for the other shoe to drop. But in the new year, I will work on living in the here and now and appreciating what I have.  And not let worrying about the future rob me of the joy of the present.*

Is the new year a time for reflection for you? 

Until next time...

*Not intentionally, but living in the present seems to be a common theme among my posts

Note: When I sat down to write this post, I was going to tell you about my holiday week, starting with New Year's Eve and working backward. However, it went in an entirely different direction. The short version of my holiday week: We had a fun program for kids at work yesterday, Noon Year's Eve, where we counted down to the New Year at noon with lots of fun activities. Before Christmas, my sisters and families came for dinner and a gift exchange. Once again, the toddler provided fun entertainment. On Christmas Day, Wally and Theo came for breakfast and a gift exchange. Then we piled in the car and went to VA to celebrate with Ward's family. That was a loud, chaotic celebration where a good time was had by all (mostly).


  1. First of all thank you for my traveling mentally in the way back machine. I had not thought of Nancy Drew in a while and I was a huge fan!
    Wishing you every happiness during the new year!

    1. Every once in a while, I reread a Nancy Drew book. Not great literature, but a fun nostalgic read all the same. :)

  2. I do this too. I need to take a page from your book and enjoy my blessings in the here and now. Glad y'all had a great holiday season and wishing you a wonderful and blessed 2025.

    1. We're all a work in progress, I certainly am. I guess that makes it easy to set goals for the new year. :)

  3. Yes, I think as we get older we know that there is so much that could gang aglee. Living in the present, that's good advice.
    I did not know you worked in a library. I loved it when I was a branch manager, so much fun planning programs! I like your clever idea for celebrating "noon years eve."

    1. I've worked in a library for over 20 years doing various things. My favorite has been children's programming -especially storytimes which I am doing now.

  4. Happy New Year, June. It is a time for reflection and planning for the future, isn't it? Sounds like you had a lovely holiday week. Here's to being more present in the here and now as we move into the New Year.

    1. You have nice customs in place to not only celebrate the new year, but the beginning of each month. It's good to take stock and make sure we're doing what we can to live the life we want.

  5. I haven't done a lot of self-reflection .... mostly heaving a sigh of relief that the busyness of Christmas is in the rear view mirror. I hope this is a wonderful year for everybody!

    1. January is also a time to get back to regular business after the holiday busyness. We still have all of our Christmas stuff up because Ward likes to leave it up until January 6. However, I'm itching to get it down and move on. I may take some of the auxiliary decorations down today.

  6. The here and now is all we have. Happy New Year!

    1. Precisely and well put. The here and now is all we have!

  7. Happy New Year! (I know I'm a little late.)

    2024 was such a difficult year, I'm just kind of easing into 2025, and hoping for the best.


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