Monday, September 16, 2024

The Third Fair Tale

I promise. This will be the last fair post for a long time. 😊

 We went to another fair last weekend. It was a county fair, and I didn't want to go - too big, etc. But Ward and Wally were interested, so I went along to spend time with them. (If I didn't have encouragement, sometimes I wonder if I'd ever leave my house.) Anyway, I went and had a good time despite my reservations. The weather was good, and although many people were there, they were all in a good mood. Despite the warm temperatures and crowds, I didn't see one person get upset. People-watching was fun -- especially the people on the carnival rides. I think half of the fun of a carnival is the squealing that people do. :)

Below are pictures from the day. There are many of them, but you can scroll quickly through them if you want.

These were decorated pumpkins.

This felted owl was over 3 feet tall.

Notice the flies' bodies are wrenches.

Until next time...


  1. Great photos, makes me wish I had gone to our fair. It is always the last week of July, and just so hot then, doesn't seem like it would be fun.

    1. I had a good enough time, that I may go back next year. I had only been one time before and that was to see a concert.

  2. That felted owl! Wow! Your fair is much bigger than ours. Looks like a fun place to take a family.

    1. That owl blew my mind. I wondered how long it took them to make it. There were a lot of families there -- many of them multi-generational.

  3. This is what the fair looked like when I was a kid . I could almost smell the concession stand just looking at the photo!

    1. This was a very traditional fair. Even though we are in the suburbs of two big cities, there is agriculture around that is celebrated.

  4. What a wonderful fair! You took some great pictures!

  5. I love fairs! As much for the people watching as for the exhibits and livestock.


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