Saturday, September 7, 2024

Hello, Again!

Time has gotten away from me. I'm unsure where it has gone, but it's been a few weeks since I've checked in here. Let me see what I can remember.

--We have been busy helping my FIL, who had heart surgery. We are very thankful that the surgery went well.

--There is more to our car saga. You may remember that we got a new car last January. After owning it for only a couple of weeks, someone ran into it and totaled it. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but it took four months to get a new car and resolve all the paperwork. However, a month ago, the new car started to make a knocking sound, so we took it to the dealer. Thankfully, they heard the sound but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. After a week and consults with Honda headquarters, they still couldn't figure it out. We picked up the car and took it back yesterday when a specialist was flying in to look at it. Unfortunately, he was called away due to an emergency, so we have to take it back again next week. 

In the meantime, we got a big crack in our windshield, and the whole windshield has to be replaced. It is an expensive job because there's a camera in it. (These new-fangled cars. 😕) We are very thankful that we have more than one car during these times.

There are so many interesting things to see at the fair. This was a child's entry.

--Yesterday was the first day of our community fair. We participate in it almost every year, and this year was no exception. Ward and I both entered things and won a few ribbons. I love this fair. It's free, family-friendly, and really brings the community together. I am very thankful for all the volunteers' hard work in bringing this event together.

--About a month ago, a big apple tree came down during a storm. Yesterday, a tree guy came and processed the whole thing. With the proper equipment, the job went about 100 times faster than if we had done it ourselves. I am very thankful that we had the money to pay for this service, and when it was time to pay the bill, he charged us $100 less than he quoted.

--That's about all the time I have for catch-up this morning. I have to work all weekend and should start getting ready. I am not thrilled about the schedule, but I am very thankful that I get to work with people I like—both customers and coworkers.

Until next time...


  1. I'm sorry you're still going through car pain. A free fair? Sounds really nice.

    1. I know you've had your share of car pain lately. It's an inconvenience, but we are able to manage. The fair is free. The only thing they charge for is food which is done by the fire department Ladies Auxiliary department as a fund raiser. I'm not sure where the money comes from, but it all the work is done by volunteers.

  2. I'm curious about what you and Ward entered at the fair. We have a local 4H county fair that we attend every summer--our daughter was in 4H for a couple of years, so it brings back memories. However, it isn't like yours, in that only 4H kids can participate. I like the idea of community participation.

    You have a lot on your plate--hang in there!

    1. I will do another post about the fair and show some of our entries. Community participation on many levels is the major reason I like this fair.

  3. I'm glad your FIL's surgery went well and hope he is recovering well.
    So sorry to hear about the ongoing car problems. Having a second car available is definitely a blessing at such times, isn't it?
    Glad the apple tree was processed and at a lower price than was quoted! That rarely happens, does it?
    Congratulations on winning ribbons at the county fair. I love the dressed up ears of corn!

    1. My FIL is recovering without complications - a blessing for sure. We are lucky that we have found a reliable, reasonably priced tree person. Independently, the same person was recommended to my sister and she was also happy with his work.

  4. I hate it if we have a car problem, but glad no one was hurt.. love the Rudbeckia my favourite flowers.

    1. Rudbeckias are a classic and a favorite of mine, too.

  5. Hello. I just read your comment on Chris's blog and I'm curious about what you use for preventative UTI medicine?

  6. I’m so glad to hear your FIL is ok. Heart surgery recovery is tough! I’m glad he had y’all to help him. Yay for the fair and the ribbons! That sounds like a lot of fun. I sure hope they can figure out what’s wrong with your car. I know y’all are so frustrated with it all.

    1. The car is better, although we're not sure if the problem is entirely gone. However, they can't recreate the sound in the shop any more, so we're just going to do nothing until it acts up again. They say that it's nothing major and we don't need to worry about the car dying on us.


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