Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day

  Happy Mother's Day! 

I come from a long line of mothers.

My mother, Betty, and me. I was about three and she was pregnant with my sister, her fourth child. I didn't have a care in the world, but she looks very tired. I think she was. 

My mother with my grandmother, Donnie. My grandmother was very proud
since my mother was the first in her family to graduate high school. 

My paternal grandmother, Yula, with 17 grandkids. There were 6 more to come.
(I'm next to the boy with the bowtie.)

My great-grandmother, Anna Estella, on my paternal grandmother's side.
In other words, this is the mother of the person above.

This is my paternal great-grandmother, Lavenia Jane
In other words, this is my paternal grandfather's mother.

This is my great, great grandmother, Anna Elizabeth,
mother of Anna Estella.

There. Do you have all of that straight? Don't worry. I'm not sure if I got it all correct myself. What I do know is that each generation along the way has made me who I am, and for that, I am thankful.

So, as you remember those who came before you, Happy Mother's Day!

Until next time...


  1. Hope you had a nice day. Did you get to see your son's? We video called mine.

    1. Yes. They came over on Saturday for a nice day. What did we do before video calls?

  2. Happy Mother's Day! You are lucky to have all those pictures

    1. I am lucky to have these photos. When my grandmother died, my sisters and I were given some of her old photos, most of which I had never seen.

  3. Happy Mother's Day to you, too! It's lovely that you have all those photos of the mothers in your family!

    1. Yes, it is lucky to have them. You notice that most are from my father's side. My mother's side, not so much. They were very poor and photos were a luxury.

  4. What a treasure to have all of these photos! I hope your Mother's Day was wonderful!

    1. I am lucky to have these photos. I wish I had more stories to go with them.


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