Sunday, April 7, 2024

Happy Birthday, Wally!

Wally, first grade

We are going to celebrate Wally's birthday today. Birthdays often cause reflection, whether they are your own or a loved one's. Children may be the prime candidates for this reflection—at least, they are for me.

When I thought about writing about Wally, several things came to mind, like I often read on other people's social media post tributes: Wally is intelligent, kind, and hardworking, and he has added a richness to my life that I never imagined possible. But when I read one of those tributes (including mine), I think, yeah, yeah, yeah. All of our children are wonderful, especially through our eyes. You would think we all live in Lake Wobegon, where all the children are above average. (Oops! A little of my cynicism slipped out there. 😀) So, instead of a list, I'm going to focus on one of Wally's traits I often admire and try to emulate - the way he handles stressors. Here are a few examples.

--When Wally was in second grade, we went to Disney World during a school break. We had a great time the first day, but that night, Wally couldn't sleep. He said that he kept seeing images from the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and they scared him. So, he took the TV remote to bed with him, and every time he had a scary thought, he pushed a button on the remote to change the channel in his brain. Ward and I learned about this the next morning, and we were pleased that he had figured out a way to take care of things for himself.

--We moved to Maryland from Texas when Wally was 10 years old. It was a big move, and everyone was stressed about it, especially Theo. He was getting in all kinds of trouble at school, and managing him took all of our attention. After a couple of weeks of helping Theo, we realized we still needed to talk to Wally about the move, so I asked how he felt about things. And his answer was simple. He said, "I sat down one day and thought about all the negative things about the move, and then I told myself I was done with them. Now, I only allow myself to focus on the positive things." 

--Wally changed from T-ball to coach pitch around first or second grade. I watched along the sidelines at his first practice when the coach pitched and pitched and pitched until Wally finally hit the ball. There were many more pitches than any of the other kids needed, and I was dying watching it, hoping the coach would stop and say that they could try again later, but he didn't. We generally tried to teach our kids to stick with something, but I was ready to say Wally could quit if he wanted. However, after practice, I asked Wally what he thought. He just said, "It was fun, but I think I need more practice." I had very mixed feelings about that. But Wally stuck out the season. He got better, but not much; however, he was there to have fun, and that's what he did. 

Wally has continued to handle life's difficulties in this way. Of course, as an adult, it's not quite as easy, but he still exercises good coping skills. Good coping skills are an area in my life where I am very much a work in progress. So, thank you, Wally, for setting a good example for me to follow. 

Happy Birthday!

Note: I didn't include examples from Wally's recent years. Those are his to write about if he wants, but I will respect his privacy. Maybe, I'll ask him if he wants to share any. And the answer will probably be, as it usually is, "No, thank you."


  1. Happy birthday, Wally; it sounds like you've grown from a wonderful boy to an equally wonderful adult, even if your mom doesn't write about your more recent experiences. Developing good coping skills is a very important aspect of like and one that I struggle with, too!
    P.S. June, in paragraph 4, about the move to Maryland, you might want to make an edit as you reveal a name that you might not want to reveal.

    1. Thanks. I fixed it. I've been using aliases for my family for so long, that I mix them up both ways. :) Life hasn't always been easy for Wally, so I'm glad that he has some tools in his bag to deal with problems.

  2. Happy Birthday to Wally also.
    How wonderful to have a kid who develops coping skill organically!

    1. I don't know if you do this with your sons, but sometimes Ward and I look at each other and say, "Where did he come from? That's not like either one of us.."

  3. Aw, Wally has wonderful coping mechanisms. I especially liked the one about him pressing a different button. Isn't it great when our kids display traits that we parents want to emulate?

  4. Happy Birthday to your Wally! He certainly was a very smart little fella, and I know he's grown into a man that makes you proud.

    1. I'd say that we met our goal with raising our kids. They are kind, responsible, contributing members of society. However, sometimes when you are in the middle of getting there, you wonder. :)

  5. sounds like you have a good kid adult now!

  6. What a great approach to wishing Wally a happy birthday!

    1. Wally is good about not dwelling in the past. Thanks for the birthday wishes.


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