Sunday, January 14, 2024

Speed Blogging

 Or Stream of Consciousness for 14 minutes.

In an attempt to post more often and not overthink things, I will be doing some speed blogging from time to time. I will blog for however long it is on my timer. Currently, that's 14 minutes and 5 seconds. I have been using that amount today to move me along from task to task.

A recent puzzle Ward worked of Dolly Sods,
a beautiful area in eastern West Virginia.

Last week, our cat, Annie, died. Our last one. It's amazing how quiet and lonely the house feels now that she's gone, even though she was only a small cat who slept most of the time. Yet, Ward and I both feel the loneliness. Oh, well. It's all part of life.

We have started to go through our cat stuff since we won't be getting any more cats (allergy problems). We have thrown away some things, donated others, and cleaned others that will be donated soon. I've been calling around to rescue organizations to see what they could use. I know it's soon, but I want to move on and just remember the fun times of 40 years of having cats in our family.


In the meantime, we have been having major car problems to the point that we are buying a new car. A process that I find very stressful. We narrowed it down to three models, which we shopped for on Friday. After much discussion, we decided on what we wanted, and Ward was going to buy it on Saturday while I was at work. However, the three cars we saw on Friday were all sold by the time Ward got there on Saturday. We've put a deposit down, and they should get another one in a couple of weeks. BTW, car prices are ridiculous these days and are selling over the MSRP!

Today, we've had a much-needed quiet day working around the house. I am hoping to do some major decluttering this winter. We've started with our bathroom and plan to move on to our bedroom. I've been working a little at a time, cleaning out a drawer here and a shelf there. We're making progress and plan to continue. By doing it this way, the task doesn't seem so overwhelming. Ward went through his shirts a few days ago and found 20 to give away. He hasn't gone through them since he retired and only needs a few now. 

On the fun side, Ward and I signed up for 6 weeks of samba and rumba lessons at the local rec center. We had our first lesson last week. It was fun because I didn't worry too much about not getting it right. My main goal (as with exercise classes) is to generally move the same way as everyone else so I don't bump into anyone. The instructor has an accent that is hard to understand but is nice. The classes are a fun diversion.

We recently watched an excellent, feel-good movie called "Bank of Dave." It is about a rural Englishman who starts his own local bank and is the story of the little guy pitted against the big guys. It is based on a true story. Netflix made the movie, but we watched it on Amazon Prime for $3. I highly recommend it.

Okay, I just checked my timer because it seems like my time should be about up. Guess what? I forgot to press start. Oops!

Well, that's it for my speed blogging today. What have you been up to?

Until next time...


  1. For a 14-minute blog, it sure was packed with a lot! Car shopping sucks, no way around it. Hope it works out for you. Decluttering, also a huge job, but I would rather do that than dancing!

    1. Since I forgot to set the timer, I can't say that this post took exactly 14 minutes, but I wrote it much faster than I usually write one. A seemingly simple post often takes much longer than one would think - at least for me anyway. We did a lot of reviewing and shopping online before we set out, so that helped with the car shopping - but I still didn't like it. But I do like having a reliable car, so it's a necessary chore.

  2. My husband would never agree to dance lessons. Ward is a gem. :) My hubby is, too .... just not when it comes to dancing.

    Did you make or buy the Dolly Sods puzzle? I recognize the scenery. Such a beautiful area. I find that puzzle-making has changed now that we have kittens. We finished the one that we got for Christmas and quickly learned to cover the unfinished puzzle with posterboard when we weren't working on it. :)

    I like the speed blogging idea. Fun to hear what you come up with.

    1. Ward is the driver behind the dance lessons. Neither of us are big dancers, but he's had a bit of an introduction to various ones at the gym and wanted to explore them more. And find a fun thing we could do together.
      I got the puzzle at a craft fair from a photographer and gave it to my sister as a gift. She gave it back to us to work. Both she and Ward said the lower red part was difficult. Ward is the main puzzle worker here, BTW. He's really good at it and works them much faster than I can.

  3. I agree with Jim and Barb's adventures.You packed a lot into that 14 minute time frame.

    1. If truth be told, it took me a little longer to insert a couple of pictures, but not much. It's a good method for me to get started.

  4. I like the idea of speed blogging! I can spend hours trying to write a blog post! Nice puzzle and lovely photo of Annie. Hope you can get your new car, quickly. I'll join you with the decluttering (I'm forever trying to declutter!) Have fun dancing!

    1. The dance class got canceled because of snow. It was nice to not have to go out, but I could have used the exercise. We're not big shoppers, so I don't know how we accumulate so much stuff. There's always a need for culling things. Pretty soon, we're going to have to donate things because we're getting a pretty big pile of give away.

  5. I'm still so sad over your news of Annie. She sure was a pretty kitty! The dancing classes sound like so much fun! The puzzle is beautiful, and a new car sounds so exciting! Hate you have to wait for it, but you are so right about the prices. It's unbelievable!

    1. We are lucky that we have other cars that can carry us through the wait including a 17 year old van that we use for hauling things.

  6. I like the idea of speed blogging. I may have to borrow that idea.

    I'm sorry you're dealing with figuring out what to do with your at things. I know it's hard to give away their things. I'm sure the rescues appreciate it, though.

  7. We took a carful of stuff to the Humane Society this week, and they were very happy to get it all. They use some of the things donated and share with other rescue organizations.


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