Thursday, January 11, 2024

And Then There Were None

Annie, a few months ago.

 When I started this blog, we had four cats. Now we have none. Yesterday, we had to put Annie down. She had taken a turn for the worse, and it was time. Several years ago, I found out that I was allergic to cats, so we won't be getting any more. After 40 years of having cats, it is going to be a hard adjustment to make.

Annie (left) and her brother, Leo - the early days
We got Annie over twenty years ago when we adopted her and her littermate, Leo, from a pet rescue organization. They joined our other two cats, Lucky and Lucy.

Annie came into the household adventuresome and bossy. Among other things, she tried to take over the favorite spots of the older cats. This had mixed results. After a few months, the pecking order was finally established, and much to her chagrin, Annie was the Number Two cat.

When she didn't make gains in territory, she focused on eating. She soon figured out that I usually did the feeding, and she stuck to me like glue. Annie would always be the first one eating, pushing others out of the way if necessary, even though they each had their own bowl. She would bump my hand as I was pouring food so more would spill into the bowl. Then, if any food was left from the other cats, she would finish it. 

Annie in her heavier days.

Her competitive eating soon made her rather Garfield-like, but her size did not slow her down, however. She was still the loudest cat and the most aggressive hunter. She was always first on the scene when anything new came into the house. But she also loved her lap time and a scratch under her chin.

Annie slowed down over the years but was still eager to let you know when she wanted something. Her very expressive meows let you know that you should fill her food bowl or come sit down and pet her.

Annie still getting in trouble in her old age.

A few weeks ago, we discovered a rapidly growing tumor on her leg. Because of her age, removal was not an option. We watched as she kept going despite the discomfort she was having. However, yesterday, we found her having difficulty with her bodily functions and clearly in distress. We guessed that the tumor had spread to other parts of her body.

Making the decision to end a pet's suffering is always a difficult one, but Wally said something that helped. He visited over the weekend and noted even though Annie was definitely showing her age, she still had her personality. So when yesterday, she wasn't showing her "listen to me now" ways, we knew it was time. 

Goodbye, Annie. You were a great addition to the family, and you are sorely missed.



  1. So sorry to hear about Annie. Losing a pet is never easy. I do like that picture of her leaping off the window.

    1. Losing a pet is never easy, but owning one brings so much joy.

  2. I am so sorry for you. I know she will be missed but the memories of her will be with you forever.

    1. Thank goodness for memories. They keep the ones who have passed on still with us.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry. It's gut-wrenching to have to go through this. I'm sure you'll find yourself looking for Annie in the days ahead. Thank you for sharing your memories with us. The window picture is amazing.

    1. It will take a while before we won't be seeing her out of the corner of our eye or think we hear her meowing for something. Both of which have been happening today. I know you know what I mean.

  4. Oh, June, I am so sorry! But, Annie isn't in discomfort anymore and she is probably reunited with Leo and bossing him around, no doubt! Dancer says he's sorry, too, that Annie is gone. (((HUGS)))

    1. Thank you, Dancer and Bless. Annie's suffering is over, and I'm sure she has moved onto bigger and better things. I know Leo will be happy to see her.

  5. What a great cat Annie was as you describe her. I love cats, we have none anymore either, it is rather lonely

  6. I'm so sorry, Live and Learn. Our pets are family.

    1. Pets are definitely part of the family, and we were lucky to have some very good pets over the years.

  7. I am so sorry. Our cats have such unique personalities, and it sounds like Annie was very special.
    We have had 11 cats in our 30 years of marriage, and we have 3 now. We are cat people, and it would be hard to imagine our home without a cat. Sending hugs.

    1. Thanks, Kathy. Over our 40 years together, we have only had 6 total cats - usually 2 at a time. Each had their own unique personality - just like people. It was a lot of fun to have them as members of our family. It's very new, but the house seems very lonely at this point without any furry friends around.

  8. Oh, sweet Annie. I am so sorry. Cats just have a way of stealing your heart and breaking it when it's their time. I know you will miss her dearly. I know she was well loved and taken care of. Sending hugs.

    1. She is very missed, but she had a good, long life.

  9. I'm so sorry for your loss, It sounds like Annie was quite a character. It's so hard to make that decision for our pets, but it's such a kindness when we do. I hope you're doing okay adjusting to your new normal without cats.

    1. We are doing okay, but it's definitely an adjustment.


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