Friday, October 6, 2023

A Second Look, October 6, 2023

 We had a few days of rain just before we left on vacation. So everything that had managed to survive the very dry summer took off while we were gone. Below are a few things I saw on my Second Look when we returned.

The rain brought a fresh crop of mushrooms around the yard.

The moss rose was in full bloom. This entire box is filled with volunteers from last year.

The yellow mums are budding.

A lone dianthus has rebloomed.


Vinca by Ward's shop. Ward chooses flowers each year for the big urn that his father made, which sits in front of his shop.

Beauty berries are in full color. I was excited on one of our vacation hikes when I saw one of these bushes in the wild.

I've picked up five bags of dropped apples since we returned. And there are plenty more where these came from. 

I harvested the rest of the carrots. Where I thinned them as I should, they got quite large. Not so much where I didn't. I'm going to try to be better about thinning next year.

From two large growing bags, I got two potatoes. (Apple for scale.) However, that is two more than when grubs ate them all last year.

We're traveling to West Virginia this weekend to attend services for my aunt, who passed away while we were gone. Time to go pack my suitcase again.

Until next time...


  1. I'm sorry about the loss of your aunt.

    Those carrots are impressive!

    1. Thanks, Kris. The passing of this aunt was the last one of my father's generation. Now my cousins and I are the matriarchs and patriarchs. I haven't quite wrapped my brain around that yet.
      When I first started pulling the carrots they were on the end of the row I hadn't thinned, and they were pretty small, but by the other end they were big. I was pleasantly surprised.

  2. My deepest sympathies on the loss of your aunt, June.
    Your garden is a delight, with all those flowers and the purple beauty berries! Lovely carrot harvest, too, and all those apples! Two potatoes are better than none! The latest batch of potatoes I planted are refusing to sprout!

    1. Thanks, Bless. She was a special aunt who was always doing things for others.
      I love beauty berries and was thrilled when a friend offered some volunteer bushes she had. I planted two and gave the others to my sisters.

  3. I'm sorry to hear of your aunt's passing, Live and Learn. My prayers are for peace for your family.

    1. Thanks, Lili. My aunt was suffering and in pain, so it's good to know that she has moved from that to a better place.

  4. I've still got apples too. I dried a bunch more during the week in the oven. They're so good that way. I just slice them thin sprinkle with cinnamon before drying. What kind of mushrooms are those, do you know?

    1. I'm going to try drying some next. I have dried pears before with mixed results, but these should work better. A bit of cinnamon should be just the touch.

    2. And I don't know what kind of mushrooms those are - just common white ones. :)

  5. Sorry to hear about your aunt. I would like to get more into mushroom identification. I bought a book on local mushrooms in South Dakota but I am not daring enough to actually try any yet!

    1. Thanks, Jim. I don't feel daring enough either to forage for mushrooms, so I just enjoy the many shapes and colors they come in.


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