Sunday, January 15, 2023

Speed blogging

A snowy owl. A craft suggestion from Wally
that we put together over the holidays.

I am gonna try something different-speed blogging. I'm giving myself 14 minutes to do a post and what you get is what you get. 14 minutes is the standard amount I set on a timer to make myself concentrate to get something done. Sometimes, I'll do 14 minutes at a sit-down job and then 14 minutes of an active job. I change whether or not I have completed what I'm doing. I just keep rotating until I tire of the whole thing. Then somehow, the iPad ends up in my hands, and a cat settles down on my lap. And sometimes, I just sit down and let the cat on my lap to stop its incessant meowing (which may be partially due to cat dementia). Both of our cats, litter mates, are 19 years old and get babied a bit. Let me correct that they get babied a lot. And I will have to admit, I usually welcome a purring cat on my lap. Except when I trying to do something like pay bills where I need my full attention focused on the task at hand.

So what have I been up to? I can't remember. But I do remember what we had for supper because we just finished. We had chicken, roasted potatoes, and a green salad with a few Hershey's kisses for dessert. We are almost done with the last of the Christmas candy and that's good. Neither Ward or I have much self control when there is chocolate in the house.

Tomorrow, the library is closed so I'm having a few friends over for lunch. It should be fun and not too stressful because everyone is bringing something. I'm making a vegetable plate with dip, Mexican casserole, brownies, and drinks. This is the first time several of us have seen each other since the pandemic started and we are looking forward to it. The weather is supposed to reach the low 50's, so we may be able to spend some time outside on the porch.

 Also, it will be the first time for most of the people to see the remodeling we've done in the house. That means that I should pick up more than just the couple of rooms we will be meeting in. We'll see how much time I have. So far, I have run the Roomba and dusted the laundry room (like anyone is going to check out how dusty the laundry room is). However, soon there will be enough pressure that I will gear up and do some last-minute panic cleaning. 

Probably with a 14 minute timer which is beeping right now.

Until next time.


  1. Ooh, I like that snowy owl! It was in the news, recently, that an arctic snowy owl was spotted in a neighborhood in So. California - no one seems to know how it got here because it is not usually found so far south!

    I like your speed blogging post! I must try it one of these days! I'll probably get two sentences written, if I'm lucky! :D

    I hope you have a wonderful lunch with your friends, tomorrow. I like potlucks with everyone bringing a dish to share. :)

    1. The owl is cuter in person. It was made with a pine cone, some cotton balls, and felt. I put together crafts at work and my son thought I might be interested in this one. The only problem is the sharp points of the pine cone which happens to be a good shape for the owl. A snowy owl in southern CA was a long way from home. I wonder if all of the storms has mixed it up some how?

  2. I need to start doing the alarm thing. Even disagreeable jobs can be tolerated for 14 minutes.

  3. If anyone comes over here, even just to pick up a cat, I start with the cleaning. It's a good thing in a way, because otherwise I might let a few things go, and sit in my chair with a cat or two on my lap!

    1. A few things definitely go by the wayside here while we sit with a cat in our laps. :)

  4. Well done, you speedy blogger, you! Hope you had a fun time with your friends today.

    1. We had a great time today catching up and sharing stories. People are happy to be together again.


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