Tuesday, July 19, 2022

And there was much rejoicing!

Today when I went to the garden, I found our first ripe tomato! Tomatoes straight from the vine are truly one of my summer joys. This one has some spots and is not that big, but beautiful all the same. I'm trying to decide how I will eat it? Will I have it with cottage cheese? Will I cut it up for an omelet? Or perhaps, the best of all, I will have a tomato sandwich. Ward and Theo will just have to wait because this one is all mine. Yum!


  1. I'd probably opt to eat it just as it is. Enjoy!

    1. Maybe that's what I'll do with the next one. Or it looks like we have some yellow cherry tomatoes ripening that will be good for eating that way. I didn't want a cherry tomato plant in this area because they take over which this one is doing. However, the plant was mislabeled at the nursery. I was hoping for some yellow slicing tomatoes, but these should be tasty all the same.

  2. I hope you enjoyed it however you chose to eat it! I do agree. Nothing finer than a homegrown tomato from your own vine! Enjoy them all that come from your garden!


    1. Fresh vegetables are so good. Right behind tomatoes is fresh corn as a favorite for me. We're not growing that but the local farm's is almost ripe.

  3. I vote tomato sandwich, but I am southern and believe that is the perfect way to eat the first tomato.

    1. I thought tomato sandwiches were universal just not southern. But if they're not, the rest of the world doesn't know what they're missing. Tomato sandwich for the win.

    2. BLT sandwiches are big in my area .

    3. A quick Google about where tomato sandwiches were popular found New England claiming them as well as OK. Not sure about the west coast.

  4. Yay! The first ripe tomato! It's a big deal, isn't it? I picked my first ripe tomato, the other day; it was about the size of a cherry tomato, but, that was fine with me, as I had all but given up on that tomato plant surviving the first heatwave we had! I cut it up and added to a dish I cooked, yesterday. :)

    1. We're having a heat wave here that is stressing the plants-especially the big-leafed zucchini plants. But hopefully, they will survive. However, the cherry tomato plant is growing like a weed. They seem to be pretty hardy no matter the variety. I hope your tomatoes thrive and there are many more tomatoes to come.


What do you think?