I am thankful for a fun day with the family.
Nothing earth-shattering here, but it's always fun when Ward and I can get together with both Wally and Theo like we did yesterday. We had a rare day where none of us were working, so Theo, Ward, and I piled in the car to go to Wally's. The conversation on the way was interesting as Theo, the one with the economics degree, explained the impact of the many variables affecting today's inflation worries. This is something I have no background in, so I always find it interesting-especially when someone explains it to me, and I don't have to sort through a lot of reading to get the same information.
We met briefly at Wally's apartment before heading out and got to see the tomato he's growing on his balcony, from which he's already eaten two tomatoes. We have a few blossoms on our plants, but are a long way away from getting fruit. However, good things come to those who wait, right?
Wally knows I enjoy seeing other libraries, and he has wanted to show me his local one for a while, so that's where we headed next. As the males in the family browsed their favorite sections, I checked out how they had things organized and the displays they had. I sometimes pick up tips when visiting other libraries that I can take back to work. This time I saw a small sign I might use.
A surprising number of people think they shouldn't take a book from a display. But, of course, that's what we want. |
After perusing the library, we headed across the street for lunch. It had been raining all morning, but never hard enough that an umbrella or raincoat didn't keep us protected. It was nice to be in an area where we could walk from one place to another and do it in the rain. The lunch spot was a New York-style pizza place with reasonable prices, especially considering what food costs these days. I got a gigantic piece of supreme pizza for $5. It was big enough that I had it for both lunch and dinner. However, if I go with full disclosure, I also had some cookies to supplement the pizza. The meal of champions - pizza and cookies. :)
Then we went into Baltimore to visit the Second Chance store - a building thrift store on steroids. Theo had never been there, so the rest of us thought he needed to see it. Just like my first visit, I flitted from one thing to the next amazed and awed by the amount and variety in the store. We were there to look for bar stools for the new kitchen. However, despite the vast amount of merchandise, we did not find any that would work for us. But it was fun looking. I was about halfway through my visit before I remembered to take pictures. A few of them are at the bottom of this post.
When we were tired of Second Chance, we took Wally back to his apartment and headed home. But the fun wasn't over yet. We stopped at Aldi's along the way to pick up a few groceries. Then, finally, we returned to fussy cats who wanted to be petted, and all was right with the world.
So there you have it. Our fun day: an economics lesson, a visit to a library, a big slice of pizza, shopping in a giant thrift store, and a stop at Aldi's. Sometimes it's the little things. In fact, it is usually the little things, especially when you get to enjoy them with family.
A few things for sale at Second Chance.