Thursday, March 31, 2022

This and That

 It's been over a week since I checked in, so it's time, I guess. But I'm not feeling it. I have been having a general feeling of unease and tiredness recently and am not motivated to do much, including blogging. Part of the reason for this is construction fatigue, especially knowing that it will be at least 2 more months before we can begin to put the house back in order. And the other factor is that Ward is formally retiring this week. An event that is welcomed by both of us but is a major life change nonetheless. Changes invigorate some people. Not me. They fill me with anxiety even when I know they are good ones. But experience has taught me that change is desirable and necessary and will be worth whatever growing pains it causes.

In the meantime, we have joined a gym. Ward will be losing his gym at work and wants a place to take exercise classes. He thrives in classes and has better success with regular exercise when it is scheduled. I'm not a gym person, but I have joined him and am slowly dipping my toe in. The gym seems well run with a lot to offer. I have been trying different classes and finding all are challenging in one way or another. But Zumba and circuit training classes have been the favorites so far. Zumba because it is a very friendly atmosphere, and circuit training because it involves working all major muscle groups. 

The weather has been cold, rainy, and windy, so I haven't spent much time in the yard. There is more of that to come in the next few days, but spring is here, and we will slowly have more warm days than cold. The few vegetable plants I had planted survived a couple of hard freezes with protection, and I may plant some more things soon. Still deciding what that might be, but the top contenders are carrots and lettuce.

So I have told you about how I am unmotivated and tired these days, so I question my sanity when I say that I am considering doing the April A-Z challenge. I have no themes and feel like I don't have anything to say, but I do love a challenge. So I may start, and there's no penalty if I don't do it.

How are things in your neck of the woods?


  1. I forgot its April tomorrow. I hope you do the A to Z challenge, so I'll have something to read. the weather here is also very dreary, gray and drippy and icky. Having that construction go on, for two more months, you have a right to feel off. I could never handle that. Joining a gym though and doing Zumba, I'm in awe.

    1. Let's just say that I'm not really doing Zumba. However, I am moving and as of yet, I have not run into anyone. The instructor says that it takes a while to catch on, but we shall see. Coordination has never been one of my talents.

  2. When I get to the retirement stage, I think I, too, will be feeling out of sorts. It takes awhile to adjust to change and my brain immediately goes to the "what ifs?".

    Meanwhile, you are to be commended for trying something new and for working to make yourself healthier.

    1. My retirement will be difficult too (a few years from now), but I'm not the major bread winner, so there shouldn't be as much anxiety in that area. It doesn't matter how many times I'm shown that we have planned well for retirement, the "what ifs" are with me, too.

      But I am looking forward to this new phase. So many possibilities. And the healthier I am, the better I'll be able to enjoy them.

  3. Congratulations to Ward.
    Now quit being anxious about the construction (and it's mess) and just be happy that every day workers are there brings you one day closer to it being done.
    Easy for me to say since it is not happening here!

    1. Some days or better than others, but generally when I don't get enough sleep, I'm more pessimistic. Yesterday was one of those days. This construction job has all of the elements you hear about-mess, over time, and over budget. But, you're right, every day is one day closer to being done.

  4. Lots of changes going on in your life right now! (((HUGS)))
    Yes, retirement is a big step and it can produce some anxiety. I knew when I was ready to retire, but, my daughter worried that I would be bored; I assured her that I won't be bored! :)
    I hope the construction will go smoothly from now on; the end result will be well worth it, I'm sure. :)

    1. I remember when you retired. I think you've settled into it quite nicely. The construction will be worth it in the end. However, we planned all of this over a year ago, so I really don't remember what it's supposed to look like. :)


What do you think?