Monday, March 21, 2022

Now You See It, Now You Don't

Okay. I've only sat down to do a post about spring at least 5x, but have never finished it. So now I'm going to publish it as is. I had more plans, but at the very least, there are some pictures of pretty flowers. Here it is.

Spring is here! It has been slowly revealing itself, but lately, it has been in a hurry to show its colors.   An exciting time to be sure.

One day I found the first daffodil beginning to bloom. I planted daffodils in various places in the yard a couple of years ago, and they're starting to flower. Yay!

The next day it looked like this after four inches of snow and frigid temperatures.

Another day, I found our first set of crocus blooming.

The next day, they looked like this after one of God's furry creatures had a midnight snack.

One day our trees looked like this, 

And the next day, they looked like this plum tree. 

Snowdrops. The earliest flowers to bloom in spring, and they are already gone.

The second wave of crocus.

The third wave of crocus. Depending on the location, they bloom at different times.

The same goes for the daffodils. These were the first to bloom.
They are the same ones as in the first picture.

These were the next to bloom. Some of the daffodils are still only leaves that are half up.



So there you have it - for better or for worse. Now I'm out to get beds ready for some cruciferous vegetables. Until next time...


  1. How pretty! We are into the next phase of blooming. The dogwood trees are beginning to bloom and the azaleas are budding. Soon!

    1. We'll be there before we know it. My cousins live in the same neck of the woods as you do and I've been enjoying the flower pictures they've been posting for a while now. I assume things look similar where you are. Such a pretty time of year.

  2. My forsythia is blooming but no daffodils yet at my place. However, the spot along the freeway, just north of town, where someone planted hundreds, they're blooming and so beautiful.

    1. I love those shows on the hillsides near highways. There are several here in my neck of the woods and they were in bloom before mine were at my house. Maybe they get better sunshine.

  3. So lovely! It's always amazing to me to see the variety in how quickly things bloom in different areas. As you might expect, we have crocuses, but not much else. Yesterday was a lovely day in the 60s and today it's in the mid-40s, windy, and not very nice out. Ah spring.

    1. The wind can make all the difference in how something feels. Yesterday it was sunny and in the 50's. Sound good, doesn't it? But it was windy, and it was cold. But we were warmer than your 40's.

  4. Oh, such pretty flowers! I'm glad the daffodils survived being buried by the snow! But, I'm sorry something ate the first crocus flowers! Still, you got to enjoy the others that flowered and didn't get eaten! They are beautiful!

    1. I don't think we had any casualties from the snow except a few small branches down from the wind that was with it. I'm glad.


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