Sunday, August 8, 2021

What's blooming this week?

Nature in general makes me happy, so it shows up on my blog more often than not. And here it is again-another post of flowers around my yard. What is blooming where you are?

One of several sunflowers that the birds planted.
However, tomato plants win the prize for the most plants planted by birds this year. They were everywhere. When I could, I dug them up and gave them to friends saved and a few for myself.

Lady bug on a zucchini leaf. I didn't realize that there were so many different kinds of lady bugs until I saw a chart from Cornell. This one is a North American native species, Coleomegilla maculata.

The ever-faithful begonias that I plant in front of my house each year. They require essentially no attention and just keep blooming.

Mexican sunflower 


Bumble bee on allium. Notice the large pollen sacs on either side of its legs. I have never seen ones this big before or ones on both sides at once. This has definitely been a busy bee. :)

Black-eyed Susan



Until next time...


  1. I was struggling with getting good flower pictures with my camera on vacation, although I came away with a few good ones (even with butterflies on them!). I have newfound appreciation for your photography skills! It's not easy to do!

    Nice pictures!

    1. The pictures don't always turn out so well. I went out last night when the sun was setting and got several blurry pictures because there wasn't enough light. The great photographers say they take many, many pictures to get a good one. I don't have the patience for that (or the equipment), but I generally take a couple of shots of each flower.

      I'm sure you got some nice pictures yourself. And I always say, it's hard to go wrong with flowers and butterflies as the subject.

  2. How kind of the birds to help with your gardening! You have lots of very beautiful flowers growing. :)

    1. Yes, it was kind of them. The birds are having a problem in our area of a disease that they are not sure about. They have asked everyone to take down their feeders because they can act as a spreading area. I miss watching them out our kitchen window, but there are still plenty around the yard. I hope they figure out what's going on soon.


What do you think?