Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Tuesday 4, Let's Cook!

 This week's Tuesday 4 is about cooking. Play along if you like. 

If you've read here for very long, you know that cooking is not my thing. I know how to cook, but it's just like the laundry. It's a necessary thing that I don't mind doing, but so many other things are more interesting. Also, I'm not really into the big eating experience. All my life, I have eaten small amounts frequently. My mother said I was born that way and I never really grew out of it. What that means, is that I'm full before the appetizer is done. This causes problems sometimes because people/restaurants think I don't like their food because I'm not eating much of it.

So the questions this week are harder for me to answer than some other prompts have been. But read along, anyway, if you're interested.

1.What is/are your favorite meal(meals) to eat and to cook?

I'd say that my favorite meals are heavy on fresh vegetables. I like them prepared many ways, but the carnivores in the house like them best roasted, so we do that a lot. I like them that way, too, especially because they are easy to prepare. When I was growing up, we got to pick the supper menu on our birthday. I usually chose creamed chicken and biscuits. And when I got a little older, that was my favorite meal to make. 

2.How often do you cook at home and what kind of  meals do you make? 

We get take out once or twice a week, and eat in a restaurant once a month or so. The rest of the time we tend to make easy meals in large quantities so we can eat the leftovers for a couple of days. Big pots of stew and casseroles lend themselves to this. My husband is a fan of Costco chicken (big rotisserie chicken for $4.99), so he tends to buy those a lot.

3. When you go out to eat what foods do you find yourself ordering most?  

When we are in an actual restaurant, I tend to order salads or vegetarian entrees. The carnivores can get their big piece of meat and everyone is happy. And I have been known to be one of those people who eat the fries off of other's plates.

4. Can you recommend a restaurant in your area?  Why do you like it?

I'm not a foodie, so I'm just as happy with a Subway sandwich or a Domino's pizza (tomatoes and feta cheese) as anything else. 


  1. I am the one who will give you the fries off her plate. I like a couple of them and then I am done because I had rather have the foods with big flavors.

    1. You know, I could take or leave fries until I was pregnant with my first son. I developed a craving for them and have liked them ever since. In general, I like a potato almost any way you cook it.

      The rest of my immediate family likes stronger, spicy flavors more than I do. So we cook some that way and some my way. It all works out.

  2. I find that I'm not as enthusiastic about eating out as I was when I was younger. When we do go out, we tend to pick restaurants with foods that I'm not likely to prepare at home. I think part of it is due to my cooking skills having improved over the years, and also because I find that I'm more sensitive to sodium in the food than I used to be. Restaurant food tastes so darn salty to me these days. That being said, we are eating out tonight at a local family restaurant because our friend's daughter is working as a waitress there and we want to support her efforts.

    1. When we were first married, we lived in New Orleans, where food was ubiquitously good whether it was a hole in the wall or a 5-star restaurant. Good food, no kids, and two-incomes means that we ate out a lot and enjoyed it. Now I just don't enjoy the extra calories, not to mention the cost, enough to enjoy eating out that much. However, my husband loves to, so we do go out from time to time. (And for now, I will just ignore the whole COVID overprint of eating out in this discussion.)

      I'm sure the young waitress will appreciate your support.

  3. Enjoyed reading this. :) You are welcome to have my share of the vegetables! I have to force myself to eat vegetables! Love fruit, but, I could get along just fine without vegetables! When I go out to eat (or, get take out, especially these days), I like to get things I don't generally make at home.

    1. One reason I get salads when I got out is that they often have ingredients that I don't usually have at home. I think a lot of people take advantage of eating out to get something they don't make at home. That makes it a real treat.

  4. I got addicted to salad packs, that are mixes of vegees and include toppings like seeds and even dressing. One bag makes two meals, so at $3 a bag, $1.50 dinners. Only this morning, I had salad for breakfast. I usually though get a bag of spinach and add the things I like to it, and that can last days. It's so easy and refreshing, not heavy. I have a friend who basically seems to only eat the Costco chickens, as far as I can tell and seems very happy.

    1. You need some refreshing food with all of the extremely hot weather you have been having. We get salad kits from time to time and like them a lot.


What do you think?