Friday, March 12, 2021

Spring is in the air

 I wish I knew the songs of birds better because they are singing all the time now. I can identify a few common birds, but I rarely see the bird while it is singing to know whose song is whose. And it doesn't matter how many times Aunt Martha identifies songs for me, I don't seem to remember them. But I enjoy them all the same.

We have been seeing more bluebirds this year than years past.
This one was visiting on our porch.

Right above the bluebird on the railing was this female with whom the male was flying around. I don't know if they are officially a couple or not, but I've cleaned the bluebird box in case they want to raise a family there.

We have had a few days of warm, spring-like weather and it is definitely a mood lifter for all concerned. I have been working in the yard cleaning flower beds that didn't get cleaned in the fall and pulling some of the winter weeds that have taken up residence in our vegetable beds. I find weeding is a time when I get a chance to think.  This week my thoughts went to hopes for a different summer than last year as more and more people get vaccinated.  While working in the dirt, I imagined picnics, trips, and family gatherings. Summer may be a little soon for my imagined freedom as Ward and I are in the last group to be eligible for vaccination, but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. My father-in-law is fully vaccinated now and our last visit was more relaxed than it has been in a long time even though we were still taking precautions. It was pleasure.

While cleaning the mum bed, I found our first blooming crocus. I think this one was planted by a squirrel. The ones I planted haven't bloomed yet, but any day now I expect to see their bright colors.

However, the snowdrops are blooming. They sometimes bloom as early as February,
but I was happy to see them even if I had to wait until March.

Seeds have sprouted in 3 of the 4 milk jugs I planted. I'm still waiting on the carrots.

The brussel sprout plant that I didn't pull last fall is growing some new sprouts.
Another fun thing to find.

I hope that you have been able to find some signs of spring where you are.

Until next time...


  1. I guess its time to get some seeds going! Beautiful bluebirds!

    1. Bluebirds are really pretty and they seem so gentle. However, I have seen them fight fiercely when defending their young, including dive bombing me when I got close to their nest.

  2. Those bluebirds are pretty! I hope they decide to nest in the box you've provided for them. :) Yay for spring flowers! I wonder if each of the sprouts you left on the plant will develop into a new plant? Maybe you have to root them, first?

    1. The sprouts are flower buds and I can't find anything that says that I can root them. However, I could let them go all the way to seed and save the seeds for next year. I'll have to think about that.

  3. I had a bluebird nesting nearby last year who would come to my car drivers side window and fight the intruder he saw in the side mirror. Some days when I got back from Mom's I would sit in my car and wait for it. He usually appeared ready for battle within a couple of minutes of pulling in the driveway.

    1. I've heard they are territorial. That bird probably wondered why his "rival" kept coming back every day after he got rid of him. :)


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