Thursday, April 2, 2020

This and that


Just a check-in to let everyone know that we are alive and well here. I wanted to do a post without mentioning the C word, but can't. It invades my thoughts too much. And if I posted without mentioning it, everyone would wonder about the elephant in the room.

So what's been going on at my house? We've been officially staying at home for about three weeks now, but had limited activities before that. We aren't bored as we are all working or doing school from home.  Also, Theo goes out to work for Costco. Luckily, he is not in a retail store, but is in a place with a lot of other people. However, Costco is going out of it's way to keep things as safe as they can. As you can imagine there has been a huge surge in online orders, so his location has hired a lot of new people. And according to Theo, half of them seem to have the job of yelling at everyone to practice safe, clean, and social distancing behavior. He is glad about that because he has been very contentious since the beginning, but not everyone was onboard as quickly as he was.
Cherry blossoms from10 years ago on this day,
when Ward and I were visiting the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. 

And speaking of working at home, Ward is a pro at it because of the nighttime and weekend work he has done for years at home. However, it's all a new experience for me and not one I really like. I've been at it for two weeks and still trying to find a happy medium. I've gone from being very intense and exhausting myself making sure that I made every minute count to being restless and nonproductive much like today. I think more organization and planning on my part will help me find a happy medium between my two extremes at this point. Also, I don't like it because there is too much sitting. When I am in the library, there is a lot more moving around, not to mention people interaction. And what all of this means for blogging is that by the time I finish my teleworking, I'm too tired to think or sit at the computer any more. Thus the blogging has been sliding.

As I am writing this, I just heard the daily helicopters fly over. We live on the flight path from the White House to Camp David and see military helicopters flying people there then and again. I wasn't sure who was going there because Camp David is not Trump's style, plus he has a lot of other places to go. But here's Miss Landers' theory. She has been timing them and has observed that they usually flyover soon after Trump finishes his daily press conference and fly back about an hour later. She thinks that Melania and Barron are isolating there and Trump goes there every day to visit his family. Who knows, but makes sense. That's one way I've been entertaining myself when I'm not working--discussing the flight patterns of the military helicopters that fly over my house.

Now I'm off to make some kind of concoction with some old strawberries, blueberries, and bread crumbs we found during our freezer inventory. I think I hear a crisp calling.

I will be back soon with what we've been doing besides working while we spend more time at home.

Be safe and Be well.
Until next time.....

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  1. That is so fascinating that you are under Camp David's flight path. Kind of exciting too! I wish you and yours well. I can't imagine emerging from my cave at some point. I was a loner before this happened and now I can't imagine speaking to someone in person.

    1. It's interesting to watch how the different presidents use the retreat. Bush went there a lot, but he was an outdoor type person so it fit his style. Trump hasn't used it much and neither did the Obamas. But all of them were used to a more urban lifestyle.

  2. Love your comics! Smiles are always good.

    Thanks for letting us know what's going on with you. I can imagine that working from home is awkward and challenging. Give yourself grace as you try to map out how it will work for you.

    Today our governor declared that schools will not reopen for face-to-face classes and instead will need to do so remotely. My kids have been doing some recommended learning/classwork but nothing formalized. Like everything else, it's an evolving situation. We have 1 desktop PC and my son has a chromebook from school. My husband has been working from home and using the desktop so I see some schedule juggling in our future.

    Glad you are staying safe at home. We had beautiful sunshine today--hoping you did, as well. After days of rainy gray weather, we needed a boost in mood!

    1. We had a beautiful, sunshiny day yesterday, but very high winds, so I didn't do much outside. I'm hoping to spend more time out there today. That's one of my happy places.

      We have plenty of computers to work with here, so we're good on that front. I think having a schedule for the computers is good for many reasons. I always do better with structure and it seems like most of us need to figure out some more structure as we figure out this new normal. What computer do you usually use?

    2. I use our desktop mostly, although I also use my phone.

      I noticed your comment to Bless about a comfortable chair. I think that may evolve as a problem with working from home--many of us don't have a good ergonomic chair to use as a desk chair. My husband is having that issue, as well. Maybe try making yourself a lumbar roll out of a rolled up towel or pillowcase? I do that for my patients sometimes. It gives some temporary relief.

    3. I haven't tried much yet to make things better other than change positions a lot, but a roll for the lower back almost always helps. Thanks for the reminder. Ward has a good chair and when he's not using it, I bring it over to my desk.

  3. So glad to see you posted and to read that you are all doing well and adjusting. Working from home is different to working from the office, isn't it? Perhaps you should make it a point to get up and walk about a little bit every hour or so, just as you might have done if you were at the workplace. Keep well and stay safe!

    1. I do get up and walk around, but I haven't found a chair that works well with my back. I should probably be working on strengthening my core/back so this will be less of a problem. Working on my core is on my to do list, but doesn't always make it to the top. I'm going to change that today.

  4. Our Costco has been doing a great job too, although the public and social distancing doesn't always seem to click :o[ Being under the flight path is interesting! I grew up near a base and got used to the sound of helicopters... now it's usual an emergency and unusual. Keep up the good work sticking inside PS I had a really hard time spelling "unusual" hahaha

    1. Unusual is a hard one to spell. Always seems like there are too many "u"'s.

      It is interesting being under the flight path. And until recently, we didn't hear much from the helicopters going there. When we hear about a meeting at Camp David, we try to figure out who is flying over. Of course for security reasons, some of them my be decoys.


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