Monday, March 16, 2020

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Since I'm pretty sure that all of the St. Patrick's Day parades were canceled this year, here are a few pictures of a parade I went to in Washington, D.C., several years ago. I had been to a St. Patrick's Day parade when I lived in New Orleans where they threw potatoes, carrots, and cabbages to the crowd to make an Irish stew. However, this one was more traditional with bagpipes, Irish dancers, and Irish wolfhounds among other things. Scroll down and imagine it is a cold crisp day and you are watching a fun parade with friendly people that you don't have to stand 6' from.



  1. Love the photos. We are all needing something fun or good to see/hear. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I have been trying to delete extra pictures off our computer and found these. I thought I would post them for a distraction.

  2. Looks like such a fun day. I'm curious about the picture of Asian people in what appears to my uneducated eyes to be traditional costuming.

    Our neighboring community's annual tulip festival has been cancelled this year--but the tulips should still bloom, so I'm considering a road trip to see them when that happens!

    Good to hear from you. I was starting to get worried!

    1. No need to worry. I've been busy with work and classes which has been using up my blogging energy.

      While the parade focused on Irish things, there were other groups. The one in yellow, in particular, was amazing to watch. The variety made the parade more fun.

      There are some things around here that I'm thinking about going to see that I hope remain open. There was one garden in particular that was very pretty we went to last year. I hope they aren't closed because they are part of the rec department. I hope you get to see the tulips. That sounds amazing. I planted some last fall in my yard that are coming up. I am looking forward to their blooms as we don't have any other tulips around.

  3. Replies
    1. It was a cold but pretty day and a lot of colorful things in this parade. My niece was visiting or I might not have made the effort to go downtown, but I'm glad I did. It was a fun day.

  4. We don’t have St Patrick’s Day parades here, but they’re huge in Chicago where I was born.

    1. I've heard that they're a big thing in Chicago.

      When I lived in Houston, I did watch the Thanksgiving Day parade with the big balloons and all. It was a first for me. We rented a hotel room downtown, so we wouldn't have to fight the crowds and traffic. Since we didn't have any family around, it was a nice way to spend the holiday. Have you ever been to a parade in the Houston area?

  5. Thank you for sharing the pictures of the parade! We could all do with a parade, especially now! Hope all is well with you and yours.

    1. I love a parade, but Ward, not so much. But he's a good sport and goes along.

      We are doing well here and wish the same for you and your daughter.

  6. These were very nice. I braved getting groceries today and left feeling very anxious because of the crowds, so I need a distraction from now safe at home.

    1. I was a little nervous when I had to work with the public at the library, but that's better now. But I am still nervous when I go out into crowds, so I try to avoid it.

      I hope you have what you need for a while and don't have to go out unless you want to.


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