Sunday, December 8, 2019

Thankful Sunday, December 12, 2019

I am thankful for playful kitties.

I have two elderly cats. They were litter mates and are both 16 years old. They are showing their age with increasing health problems and a very sedentary lifestyle.

However, over the last couple of days, we have seen evidence of their younger years. As we have been unpacking Christmas things, their curiosity has gotten them out of their curled up sleeping balls and into boxes, chasing runaway shiny balls, and batting at strings of lights.  Both the cats and we are enjoying this playful time. So for my elderly, playful kitties, I am thankful.


  1. Replies
    1. Beautiful and bossy. It's amazing how much a pet can rule the house. My pets get away with a lot more than my kids ever did. Not sure what that means, but it is what it is.

  2. Did she knock over the tree in the picture or were you in the midst of putting it up? :) Aren't cats the best?

    1. She did not knock over the tree, but she is rather round, so she could have done that if she wanted to put her weight into it. Cats are the best, so much fun to watch.

  3. Pets keep us on our toes and for me bring my best forward. She is a beautiful soul.

    1. Pets really do enrich our lives, and for me help me find calmness.

  4. Annie is beautiful and looks a lot like my Dancer! That is so nice that they are still so playful! :)

    1. She does look a lot like Dancer and almost identical to her brother, Leo. They usually aren't too playful these days, but they were different with the Christmas things.


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