Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thankful Sunday, November 3, 2019

I am thankful for leftover Halloween Candy.

I have a sweet tooth. And therein lies the problem. As we all know, a steady diet of sweets is bad for us. Except around Halloween. :)

This Halloween was a bad weather day here. Rain all day, thunderstorms, tornado watches--not the best weather for little ones to go out Trick-or-Treating.  So while we had visits from some little ghosts and goblins, the numbers were down from other years resulting in leftover candy. I have enjoyed at least one piece of this leftover candy every day.  And each piece has been delicious.

So for the enjoyment of this extra Halloween candy, I am thankful. And for the fact that Ward and Theo are saving me from eating all of the candy at once, I am also thankful. 


  1. Our weather was also awful--windy with rain and snow mixed together--but that didn't seem to detract from our trick-or-treaters. I passed out Rice Krispy treats and I like to have a few leftovers as they are fun in lunches and when we travel at Thanksgiving.

    I thought you always passed out malted milk balls. You have a tempting supply pictured above. I love malted milk balls so that would also be tempting for me. :)

    1. My son bought the candy this year so we don't have malted milk balls. He got a box of full size candy bars from Costco. He said that we had finally arrived in that we were passing out full size candy bars for the first time. I didn't ask. Maybe that's been a fantasy of his for a while.

    2. Our neighbor across the street has been doing that for years. She loves Halloween (she's in her 70s) and puts up all sorts of decorations and dresses up as a witch and sits on her porch all evening. I tolerate Halloween but I admit I don't want to entice more kids to trick or treat at our house than we already have, so full size candy bars will never appear at my home! I think that makes me not so fun, but I'm ok with that. :)

    3. If I'm in charge of buying candy next year, it won't be full size candy bars if for no other reason than the leftovers are in a bigger serving size than I need. :)
      (I know that I don't have to eat the whole thing at once, but what would be the fun in that. )

  2. Oh, you've definitely arrived if you are handing out full size candy bars! :D Yum!

    I didn't get any trick or treaters! Not a single child came by in my block and I didn't hear any kids in the adjoining blocks, either! My gardener friend M said he didn't have any trick or treaters, either, and he brought me a bag of his extra Halloween candy to share with my daughter! So far, I've avoided eating any!

    1. There are a lot more community events instead of Trick-or-Treating these days and I think more people are comfortable with those than going to stranger's houses.

      Good for you for not diving into the candy M brought you. What kind is it?

    2. He brought me Kit Kats (snack sized) and York's peppermint patties. Two of my favorites! I've eaten one of each, but, I am keeping the rest for my daughter!

    3. Two of my favorites, too. I know you and your daughter will enjoy the treats together. As good as candy is, it's even better when it's shared.

  3. Replies
    1. I haven't reached that point yet. I don't think we have enough for that to happen.

  4. I know what a problem extra candy can be. Even though I currently have a toothache and cannot chew, which might be a blessing or the left over candy might be gone by now.

    1. The fact that your toothache is slowing down your candy consumption is the only reason that I can see it as a blessing in disguise. I hope you are able to get some help with your tooth soon.

  5. I am a full size candy bar giver also. I have been doing it for years. Usually on Halloween I sit at the dining room table and read while waiting for the trick or treaters. This year I could hear the first group as they came up the steps. One of the kids (12 ish year old guys) said "I always start here because this is my favorite house. Because the weather was so bad up until about 2 hours before t or t time, I did not put out some of my usual decorations and only decorated with things that could be wet. Several of the kids asked me where the chains, skeletons and magic globe with the witch head were. I love being "that house".
    It was so cold here that I only had about 65 kids. TheHub has been happily eating the excess. I walk past it and would love one (or two or three).

    1. So you have the fun house that eveyrone talks about and enjoys. A couple of my friends have the fun house in their neighborhood. However, no one in our neighborhood has gone all out like that.

      65 kids is a lot these days. I remember growing up that we would have well over 100 kids at our house. We lived in town, so everyone from the country would come to town to trick-or-treat. Didn't need fancy decorations or candy to get lots of visitors. It caused a strain on my parents to have that much candy. They passed out small pieces to help with that.

  6. We don't have any trick or treaters. Around this area, they go to malls or business who have little parties. Funny, every year, Hubby goes to a store the day after Halloween and buy candy that's on sale. We have to big bags of candy. LOL


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